Chapter Two

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After dropping his tray of muffins early Monday morning, Jack entered a bustling bullpen.

"Amazing how everyone's special assignment suddenly got terminated now that I contributed to the advancement of dessert."

"Does that mean the baking contest is over?" Lucy had just returned from a weekend at her mother's house so Jack wasn't surprise to hear she was catching up on gossips.

Bobby patted him on the back. "Yes, and like always, Jack rose to the occasion."

"Good morning, everyone."

Eleanor's cheerful arrival dampened the mood in the bullpen.

"I found your delicacy on my desk, Jack. Very original recipe considering all the other contestants baked cookies. I'm curious about the name. Rose's Muffins?"

Feeling as smug as a lawyer who won his biggest case, Jack leaned in his chair. "My wife's name. She's delicious in the kitchen."

Sue choked at the allusion while everyone else gasped at the news.

"Wife?" Looking shockingly upset, Eleanor glowered at him. "You have a wife named Rose?"

"Yes. Rose and I got married on Saturday night." As Jack proudly announced his nuptials, he remembered the vows Sue and he exchanged in the judge's rose garden before he slipped his grandmother's wedding band on her finger.

His wife glowed like the full moon shining on their wedding night.

Diverting his gaze from what appeared to have been Sue's hand, Myles extended his arm. From the look on his face, Jack guessed his tall agent had noticed the delicate ring on her finger.

"Congratulations, Jack. I'm glad you and Rose finally got something good cooking in the oven."

Jack overheard Bobby's whisper in Tara's ear. "Who's Rose?"

Tara shrugged. "No idea, but if Eleanor's look could kill, I'd say Jack baked the perfect recipe for murder."

"I hate to break it to you, Jack." Dimitrius slapped him on the shoulder. "But your chances of becoming cookie of the month just walked out the door."

Cookie of the month was one title he could live without.

"What's going on?" Lucy bounced like a baby kangaroo on steroids. "Jackson?"

"Well... It started with a meddling..." He glared at Myles before gazing tenderly at his wife. "It started with a meddling friend and a beautiful golden rose."

Myles bowed his head. "You're welcome."


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