✍ Chapter Seventeen✍

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Seventeen | Reflections

As a hart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul longs for thee- Psalm 42:1


Kemi sat in front of the mirror and frowned at her reflection. A month ago, if anyone had told her that her life would have this much drama she would have laughed at their face and called them a fudge ball. Now look at what was happening now;





More letters!

She was starting to get dizzy from riding on this endless emotional rollercoaster. Sadly the ride didn't seem to have an end switch.

Kemi sighed as she swept her hair up in a bun at the middle of her head, some stubborn tendrils still fell back down at her face. Groaning she pulled them up but they stubbornly fell back down. They-the tendrils-reminded her of her feelings for Nnamdi. She badly wanted to stop loving him, to push the feelings into a dark abyss but they kept coming back with full force.

Not surprisingly, she didn't even know why she loved him. She had every reason not to but as the saying goes 'love conquers all'.

Applying a coat of lipgloss to her succulent lips, she pouted and smiled. At least it was obvious that he was attracted to her she could hold on to that.

It's just lust Kemi.

Maybe not, she thought. Kemi doubted that anyone relished in the fact that the one they loved just lusted after them. Even if anyone did, she certainly did not.

"Ahahn Omo mi (my child) come here let me see you," her father said as she walked down the stairs. Femi was seated with his wife on the sofa in front of the TV, the woman had forced him to watch a rerun of her favorite soap opera. Bisola frowned at her daughter taking in the black gown that clung to her body like a second skin. A huge silver bow substituted for the sleeves as it showcased itself on her left shoulder, the ruffles at the hem of the knee-length gown also added to it's beauty.

Kemi pouted playfully as she twirled a loose tendril. "Mummy what's wrong with my dress?"

"Nothing is wrong my dear," Femi smiled at his daughter and patted his lap obviously happy for the distraction. He was also about to throw up while watching a scene where young Filipino lovers confessed their love for each other.
"Come and sit on your daddy's lap."

Kemi giggled and made herself comfortable on her father's laps, she drew closer, placed her head on his chest and sighed softly as he wrapped his arms around her. Ignoring her mother's look that said 'get off my husband's laps or else', Kemi felt safe in her father's arms. She didn't want to bother them with her problems, they looked so happy sitting here and binge watching useless TV shows.

Her father, a handsome sturdy man edging towards fifty, was wearing a grey t-shirt and black shorts. Her mother was latched onto his arm, wearing his oversized blue shirt and boxers. Kemi knew that her father complained about her mother wearing his clothes but secretly stared at her with admiration when she wasn't looking.

Sometimes she feared that she would never have her parents happily ever after, she had no doubts that if her parents' love story were written into a book it would become a bestseller-that's how beautiful their relationship was.

"The dress is too dull, wear something bright-bright enough to get us a future in law." Kemi groaned but her mother ignored her and turned to her husband, "isn't that right honey?"

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