2.1 Joel Pimentel (English)

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It has only been two months since you had moved to New York City, but apart of you was greatly regretting it at the moment. Lord have mercy it was cold, NYC was experiencing one of the most intense snow storms it had ever had in almost 50 years, and being from the hot ass state of California this blizzard was quite and adjustment. Despite the vast amount of snowfall the streets were still littered with people bustling through the chilly white powder that blanketed the ground.

You stared out the window as the ever growing mounds of snow gathered against the buildings, groaning to yourself at knowing you have to go into the snow. You bundled yourself up, with a ridiculous amount of layers encasing your body not wanting to be exposed in even the slightest way to the bone chilling cold.

Throwing your purse over your shoulder, adjusting your beanie you stepped out of the lobby of your apartment building in the cold. The wind blew heavily as you walked dow the street with an umbrella trying to shield yourself from the snow blowing in your direction. Your school was about a mile up from where you live in Lower Manhattan, you swore the longer you walked the heavier it snowed. Glancing around through the snow barely able to see stepping off the curb it was like a rug had been pulled out from underneath you.

Cursing heavily at the bruises you were bound to have after that crisp fall. Standing up to brush the snow off you briskly continued down the street, your heart began to beat faster as people quickly disappeared into buildings and the snow came down heavier and heavier. You started to panic, mentally trying to calm yourself down but the further you went the more your realized you couldn't see which way was the right way to go. You came up  close to the building, looking up at the sign creaking about you to see you had arrived at your favorite coffee shop.

You felt your way along the glass until feeling the cold door handle in your grasp, you pulled the heavy door with all your might nearly falling down as you stumbled through the doorway. You straightened yourself up glancing around the nearly empty coffee shop.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N, are you ok?" Raymond exclaimed, he was the barista who had come to know you over the last few months.

"Yeah, at least I think so," You sigh trying to catch your breath, starting to peel off layers, setting them down at your favorite booth in the back where you could warm up, but still had a view of the rest of the cozy shop.

"This snow storm is insane, I can't believe you even left your house!" He hawks from behind the counter. Staff was minimal, probably only him and one other person.

"Well, I obviously don't know what's bad and what isn't, hence my dumb ass going out in this," You chuckle at your relative stupidity.

"What can I get you honey?" He asks kindly.

"Nothing right now, I'm a little tight on money," You say try not to be embarrassed.

"No no love, don't worry, it's on the house today," He grins with a wink, it made your heart warm at his kindness.

You sit back down at your booth watch the white blur pass by the window, you pulled out your computer, slipping your glasses on you were determined to finish this paper you had due in a fe days. I mean come on you literally had nothing but time today.

"Here's you Chia Latte with soy dear," Raymond informs, setting the massive steaming mug in front of you.

"Thank you so much Ray, I really appreciate it," You coo, it was a gift even to have a coffee not cost you anything, being a university student, especially in NYC money is short on every platform of life.

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