Chaper One: Packing

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Millie rolled her eyes as she shut her bedroom door, trying to drown the music blasting through the halls of her home.

It seemed like Paige was at it again.

She walked to her bay window, the one her father had helped her build when she was younger.  It was once made out of of colorful pillows and fairy lights aligned on the frame of the window. But now the pillows were gray, and the lights had gone out a few years ago.

Millie sighed, letting the person on the other line of the phone ramble on and on. It had been two hours of conversations, and a very expensive phone bill seemed to be in her future.

Nevertheless, she watched as people strolled by her suburban neighborhood, it had been raining again so she could smell the intense wet grass dew. She could also see the people scurry across the streets, their bags over their head hoping to make it home before the next rainfall. She had always found it funny that no one ever noticed she was there.

All they had to do was look.

People only saw what they wanted to see, and so she was practically invisible.

But that was fine by her.

"Well Sadie, I don't know what to tell you. He cheated, I say you forget about him and throw him in the garbage. You don't need such a toxic relationship. Especially when you're someone so great." Millie reassured, focusing on the call once again.

"I guess. But enough about me, you're going to California! For a whole month! You're so lucky your grandma lives over there Mills, you get to see celebrities and you get to go to Hollywood. It's all about movies and glam over there, sounds like the life. Meanwhile I'm going to be stuck here in boring old Wisconsin by myself." Sadie responded, attempting to get Millie excited.

Millie scowled, trying to find anything to block the sound of what her sister called "music."

"Lucky? Sadie Sink you've officially gone mad. I hate California. I hate the heat, I don't care about Hollywood, and I could care less about the celebrities. The only reason my family is going is because my grandma remarried someone and my mom wants us to meet her." Millie complained, staring over at her unpacked luggage. "I know I sound very ungrateful right now, and I promise I'm not. It just seems like we're all forgetting grandpa so soon. He only just died two years ago."

Sadie laughed. "Well you can't expect the poor woman to be alone all her life, she's barely got any as it is. Imagine how sad that would be. You haven't even met her new wife yet, give her a chance." She advised, and Millie knew she was right.

Before Millie could say anything, her mom walked through the door. Letting herself, and the horrible music in.

She stood by the doorway, holding a basket of laundry.

"Millie, really? You still haven't packed? Honey I told you to pack last night. Everyone is waiting on you." Her mom lectured, slightly stressed out.

Millie nodded. "I'm sorry Mom, I'll get to it right now. I just couldn't really set out my clothing anywhere." Millie lied, her room had always been the smaller one.

Mrs. Brown sighed, "I know dear, and I am so grateful you never complain. Money's been tight, and Paige would have caused a World War if we hadn't given her the larger room. I know I can always count on you." She recalled

Millie smiled until the music was finally blaring into her ears. "I know mom, But let me go kill Paige first." Millie informed as she ran to the living room.

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