"I Love You" Sex and Flustered Beauties

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Sam's POV

Oh, God. She looked perfect. Before I knew what I was doing, I had one hand spinning her waist so she faced me, and the other leaning against the wall above her head. This was such a bad idea. I swear when I made this plan all I wanted to do was talk to her, get to know her, even make her not hate me. But now, with her face closer to me, and her little strands of hair more in detail, I wanted to do more than talk. Get your head out of the gutter Sam! You shouldn't go sleeping around with girls you find attractive I thought to myself before my other half of the brain retorted back: that's exactly what our douchebag persona should do. And yet I don't want to... hurt her? I didn't want to see her beautiful eyes in pain. Oh, chill it, Sam, like she even thinks about you. 

I had a mini- argument with myself before I decided to talk as before. Act like this was normal, to have my hand on the wall above her, and my fingertips lightly making circles on her waist. Okay, maybe the waist thing was too far. I let my hand drop to my side before I speak. "Not so fast there Elenora Rose, I like to get to know my roomies, and it just so happens I have the free time now to get to know you," I said with ease and yet as hard as I tried to sound as douchey as possible, my voice came out... real.

"I'd love to sit and chat with you, especially while your shirtless and enjoying to flaunt your masculinity and all, but frankly I don't care. So please, get your testosterone out of my face before it explodes out of your penis in a way that would not be appropriate for the CW channel."

And with that, she storms into her room. Wow. That went well. I went to go back to the couch where my shirt laid abandoned. My mom used to always say I had a fast metabolism because I never got cold. It probably made me seem more of an asshole, but it was sweltering, so I just thought I would take off my shirt. I headed over to the hot tub outside because, despite the fact that I wanted to crawl out of my skin so I would be somewhat cold, the hot tub always relaxed me.

I lost track of time of how long I was in that hot water, but I came back into reality when I heard the door open. From where I was sitting in the hot tub, I could see Will and Brian walk in. They looked pretty tense. I didn't want to interrupt them so I got out of the water to head to my room. I rushed quickly to my door that was thankfully the closest to the hot tub. There was an issue though. My door was jammed. I didn't have much time to think about it, as the conversation in the living room was turning into shouting. I turned around, hoping to hide in the closest room possible and as luck would have it, that door was the room to Eli. If I had more time to think about it, I would not have gone into the room, but I didn't have more time to think about it and before I could stop, I was turning the knob and I was in her room.

It was a complete mess. There were black clothes all over the ground, and to be honest, I couldn't blame her. She didn't have a closet and we didn't get her a dresser. Her bed was against the wall, and she had made a pillow fort around it. There were sheets covering the top, and little lights hanging around it lighting up the area. She had a bunch of pillows all against the sides and was lying on one. So that's where all our pillows have gone. Aaron was complaining about it to me a couple days ago, and PJ had asked me if he knew where his pillows had gone.  Eli hearing the sound of her door opening, paused whatever show she was watching to peak out from her fort and scowl.

"Why are you in my room? And grab a fucking towel," She said once she noticed I was dripping wet. I went to grab the fucking towel.

"Brian and Will are fighting and I didn't want to bother them," I said truthfully. 

"And you don't have a room?" She asked sarcastically

"The door is jammed."

"So unjam the door. Or talk to Will and Brian," She said as it if was obvious.

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