Dear diary, May 3rd, 1910

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Hello. My name is Joa. Yes, Joa. Well, short of Joanne, that is. But I prefer Joa. Well, anyway, I came from France to America to get money to support my family, because the work of my mother pays a small amount each week. My father died a few years ago, but I will not talk about that now. I do not want to. So, when I came to America, I asked a lady there if they spoke French (she did), and then I asked her if she could recommend jobs for me, since did not have one. I would worry about living space later. "Yes. There is a job at the Elms mansion you could take. The family is looking for a new house made. It has a living area, also. However, it is only a summer job, unless you want to help the family in New York City. Also, I can not be certain as to whether you will receive work or not. You see, you're only fourteen and they want someone most experienced, most likely." Of course. I knew it was too good to be true. I must have looked disappointed because the lady said, "But I believe in you! Once you show them your resume, I know they will be very impressed. Oh!" She reached behind her and pulled out two books and a fancy pen. "This is a French-English dictionary, a newspaper and a writing instrument. I think you can practice your English in the newspaper! Good luck with the interview!" She smiled and I took the books and pen. "Thank you very much." I said. Then I left to catch a taxi to the Elms.I spoke to the driver in English, using what Mother taught me, "Do you take francs?" He smiled and said, "Yes, I do, miss." "Oh, thank you." I said and got into the back seat of the car. "Where to?" He asked. I thought for a moment, remembering the name, then he said.... "The Elms mansion" "Very well," he said, and we drove home he was not so far away All this time, I looking at the buildings, which were high I could not wait to get to the house The man asked suddenly.. "Are you getting an interview or you are a client"? "I am getting an interview." I said.. "Ah, see that is what I thought, but I thought I may as well ask. I'll take you to the staff entrance and from there , go inside and ask Miss Marceldo saying, "Hello. I am looking for Miss Marceldo." Okay? "He explained. I nodded my head in response. "Good." Soon we were driving past a very large house, cream colored with incredible architecture! There were many beautiful elm trees surrounding the mansion." How beautiful! "I asked the driver. " De l'Orme Yes, he is my friend. Get a good look at it now, because you will not see for a while. "He answered." What do you mean? "I asked, confused He chuckled before saying." My dear, you have to go to the staff entrance every time you go into the building it seems Mr. Berwind wants its guests the mansion. works by magic, when in reality it is run by the faculty. "" How do you know that, then? "I asked. He smiled and said, "Because I used to be a cook at the Elms. I asked Mr. Berwind for some time additional leave and he fired me. This man, he means business. Be sure to watch your language around him. " Again I nodded in response to a loss for words. "I'm sorry." I said. "Oh, do not worry, dear. Anyway, we are here today. "He replied." Oh! "I cried. I had not realized that we were already here, even if we had the mansion. J 'looked in my bag for four francs. "No, do not bother. It's on the house. Or, in this case the car. "The driver said." What? No, no, I have to pay you. "I said." My dear, do not you recognize me? No of course not. You have not met me. It's me, your Uncle Peter! "He said." Uncle Peter? "I asked," The only mother said ran away to America when he was a young man in search of work? "" Yes "he smiled," So toll Also, good luck with the interview. ". "Thank you, Uncle Peter. Goodbye!" I said and left the car. I saw him drive the building and looked in front of me. In fact, I could not see much of him. It was a way of a circular disc with a room full of plants mistress. There was a canopy of leaves covering the driveway with iron bars to keep the plants. I walk to the door and went inside. He was a waiter almost there, and I asked him, "Hello. I am looking for Miss Marceldo." He smiled and said, "Of course, she Will Be with you in a moment." I could not understand what he said, I said, "I'm sorry. I do not speak English. "" That's good. Miss Marceldo will be with you in a moment. "He said in French. I smiled." Thanks. "I said. I'm sorry. I have to go now. I had elsewhere. Well, bye bye, then, dear diary. Love, Joa

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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