Chapter 4

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Joy led me inside and sat me down on the couch while she made tea or some drink. I honestly couldn't tell what it was, and now that I was resting, I kept nodding off.

She sat down next to me and handed me the drink. I felt her hand guide mine as I sipped it. I began to feel more awake and think clearer.

"What happened?" Joy asked.

"I saw a kid getting bullied by Arnold. His name is Mason. I told Arnold and his bodyguards to shove off. Arnold wouldn't, so I got into a fast stick fight with him-"

"Did you kick his butt?"

"Absolutely. But then one of his bodyguards picked me up and the other meat slab knocked me out."

"They teamed up on you?"

"Oh yeah. And Mason tried to help me out but he got thrown pretty hard."


"Yeah they threw him against a wall."

"These guys sound tough..." She Inquired, "I could take care of them for you?"

"I might take you up on that. But I'm not done yet. I got knocked out, and when I woke up I felt that gut feeling you were talking about. I ran into the forest and... apparently froze everything around me."

She appeared to be in deep thought. A small flame danced across her shoulder.

"It's gonna take a while to get used to that." I said

"Used to what? Getting beat up? Yeah you'll get used to it."

"Uh... I meant you having fire powers. Your shoulder has a small flame lit up on it."

She looked over to her shoulder and patted it out.

"Yeah that sometimes happens when I focus hard. Did anything else weird happen?"

"I mean not really. After that happened I just met Mason and ran back here. And nothing really happened with Mason, he just said thanks and shook my hand. I felt a shock. Does that mean anything?"

"Probably not." Her shoulder lit on fire again. She might be lying, but I wasn't gonna pursue it.

"Well, you might wanna get some food and then sleep. You look really exhausted. Once you're done I'll show you some stuff with your element."

I just nodded and leaned back there. My eyes were heavy and kepping them open was a challenge. I was asleep in no time.

I was awoken by a cold splash of water that woke me up better than natural causes usually do.

"Rise and shine! You're already looking better! How do you feel?" I heard Joy's voice say to me, unusually perky.

I felt great, and really rested actually.

"Wow I feel much better. How... long was I asleep?"

"Ten minutes."

"Oh. Thats a surprise."

"Yup. All you needed was a beauty rest. You didn't get beauty though... Whatever, we still have to help you learn your element. Before you freeze another forest."

"Only part of a forest."

"Yes but what if people were nearby?"

"That's why I was in the forest..."


I didn't think about that situation much before she started walking outside, motioning for me to join her.

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