Chapter One: New Threat

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AN: Hey, Readers. This is the rewrite of Across Time and Dimensions. I hope this story is better than the original. I also want to thank you for reading and commenting on my stories and am sorry for not updating for like three years. Without further ado, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I, TNckitty, do not own any of the characters from Yugioh Arc V. Only my OCs. (Man, I miss saying that.)

Chapter 1: New Threat

It has been a year since the war happened. Since the Lancers saved the dimensions from Zarc. There was a lot damage done to all the dimensions, but the people in the dimensions came together to rebuild, especially the XYZ dimension. The Lancers also pitched in. Yuya and Yuzu have their counterparts inside of them, but Reiji created a device to separate all of them. Now, Yuri, Yuto, and Yugo are adopted by the Sakaki family, and Ruri, Rin, and Serena are adopted by Shuzo. Shun declines the offer of adoption to help rebuild Heartland. The students at Academia wanted Yusho to run it because they want him to teach what dueling truly is about, but Yusho decline. After everything that he had been through, Yusho decided to stay with his family and teach at You Show.

It's been a year and the lives for the Yu-boys and bracelet girls have been normal. Well, as normal as you can get for having four people with the same faces. Right now, the eight teenagers are going to high school and Yugo is complaining about history.

"Man! I hate history. It's so boring. What the point of learning about Ancient Egypt and how the pharaohs are basically gods in human form," Yugo complains.

The eight are walking to You Show from school and Yugo starts to rant about how the teacher was out to get him.

"Come on, Yugo. It's not that bad," Rin says. "If you actually pay attention, that is."

"But it's so boring. And don't get me started on English."

"The reason why we are learning all of this is because it might happen again. Do you want the war between dimensions happen again," Yuto asks.

"No. It's just that we know all that already. Why repeat the same material every year?"

Before anyone can say anything, a hooded person was blocking their path. The hooded person has a dark aura surrounding them. The group stops just a few feet away from them. Ever since the war, they all learn to sense danger if it's nearby. Yuto steps in front of the group.

"Who are you," the eggplant asks.

"Who I am is no concern of yours. All you need to know is that you all need to disappear," the hooded person says.

Suddenly, the person activates their duel disk. Their duel disk is the Pendulum standard duel disk. It was a dark green body with a dark purple disk. The person slaps a card on the disk and they summon a monster. The monster has a human like body with leather wings and a dragon tail. It was wearing white armor and was holding a sword and shield.

"Master Pendulum, The Dracoslayer. Kill them," the person commands.

The monster sprints toward them, ready to strike Yuto who was the closes. Before the attack can land, something block its attack. Another warrior like monster blocks the sword with its own. This monster was also wearing a white armor and has a sword and shield. The only differences is that this monster is more human than the other. The warrior pushes Master Pendulum back. The hooded person clicks their tongue.

"How annoying," they say.

"That's my line," a different voice says.

The group turns around and sees another hooded person behind them. The person also has a duel disk activated. The disk has a crimson red body with a light blue blade.

"Stay out of my way," the attacker hisses.

"I'm going have to say no on that, Lash. But feel free to try and hurt them. If you can that is."

The attacker, now known as Lash, went silent for a moment. They click their tongue again and turn around. Their duel disk deactivates, and the monster disappears.

"Don't think this is over. You will see me again. And when you do, be sure that you wouldn't see the light of day again."

That was the last words Lash says before a portal opens, and they disappear. The person who save the eight deactivates their duel disk and the monster disappears. The person turns and walks away.

"Wait," Yuya shouts.

The person stops but doesn't turn around.

"Who was that? Who are you? What's going on here," Yugo asks.

"For now, you all should watch your backs. He will be sending his minions after you. Especially Yuya and Yuzu. The time will come when we will meet again."

With that, the person starts to walk away again. Before they could ask anymore questions, the person was gone. Not sure what was going on, they continue their way to You Show.

"Why would that Lash person want to destroy us," Yuzu asks, hoping to get answers.

"Whatever his plan is, he is after us and he might be after our family and friends," Yuto says.

"If that Lash guy comes back, I'll beat him up before he can even come close to them," Yugo says.

"Not if he gets us first," Yuri states.

"What? Are you scared or something?"

"No, just stating the facts. If he came to us intending to kill us, then we better be prepared to fight. And from the look of things, he can summon monsters to real life. Even a small brained person like you know that he is dangerous, Fusion."

"My name is not Fusion," Yugo shouts.

Suddenly seeing the two fight as usual help lift some of the tension, but they know that the threat that Lash made is going to happen sooner or later. They just hope it would be later.

AN: That's the end of chapter 1. Again, I want to thank you all and hope you enjoy this story. And if you read the original story, you know who the savior is. Chapter 2 will be coming out when I finish. Until then, bye.

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