Chapter Two: It Begins

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AN: Here is chapter 2. I want all you guys to know that I'm in college right now. So, if updates are slow, then you know why. Anyway, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I, TNckitty, do not own Yugioh Arc V or any of the others. They are to their respective owners. I only own my OCs.

Chapter 2: It Begins.

It's been a week since the incident with Lash and the mysterious person. Luckily, there hasn't been attacks since then, but they can't let their guard down. Whenever they walk to or from school, they have to look behind to make sure no one is there to jump on them. Right now, the eight are on their way to their favorite café place. Since they have a big test to study for, they decide to have a study group there.

"Guys. Is it really okay for us to relax like this," Rin asks.

"What do you mean, Rin," Yuzu asks.

"What if that guy comes back?"

"Then we just kick his butt," Yugo says.

"I don't think it's going to that easy," Yuya states.

"You're right," an unknown voice says.

The group stops walking and turns to see someone behind them. It was a man in his mid-twenties. He was wearing a black mask that covers the left half of his face. He was also wearing a black trench coat with a crest on his left chest.

"I'm here by my master's orders to destroy you all," the man says.

The man activates his duel disk. Taking this as a challenge, Yuto steps up and activates his disk.

"You better beat me than," Yuto says.

"That is fine by me. It makes even better to see you in pain."

"Duel," the two shouts.

[End of Duel]

"Dark Rebellion XZY Dragon (Rank= 4, Attack= 2500, Defense= 2000), attack directly," Yuto commands. "Lighting Disobey of Rebellion."

The man raises his arms and tries to cover his face from the attack. This didn't really help as the attack hits him. The man screams in pain as he was knock back by the impact. Before he hits the ground, his life points went down to zero. On the holograph screen, it shows Yuto's face with the word "Win" on it.

"How," the man groan in pain. "How could this happen?"

Before anyone can say anything, a hole opens from underneath the man and the man disappears.

"Darn it. We didn't even get to ask him anything," Yugo says.

Suddenly a piece of paper slowly descends above Yuya and lands in front of him. The tomato picks it up with caution. On the paper, it was a picture of their parents with a note written on it. It said, "If you want to see your parents again, come to this warehouse." There was an address on the back of the warehouse. Yuya realizes it is the warehouse that he and Sora used to train at.

"Should we go," Yuya asks.

"It could be a trap," Yuri states.

"But they could really have our parents," Yuzu argues.

"I'm just saying that they can be tricking us, and they might not even have them."

"I say that we go. If it's a trap, then we just take them down," Yugo says.

"Only you would think like that," Yuri says.

"It's better than just staying here," Ruri states.

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