Chapter Three: Aka

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AN: Chapter 3 is here. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Yugioh Arc V characters. I only own OCs.

Chapter 3: Aka

Even though they could not see Yuya's eyes at the moment, they can tell that is not him. There was a black cloud surrounding the tomato. It almost feels like Zarc has taking over. The counterparts shiver when Yuya spoke.

"This is not possible," Yugo says.

"I thought we defeated Zarc," Rin says.

"Do you see now," Slate yells. "This is why you all must be destroy. If you don't back down now, your parents will be the ones to pay."

"Funny," a different voice says. "I thought I saw them not too long ago. They seem to be searching for you kids."

On top of the bridge, the same person who save them from Lash was standing there, leaning over the rail.

"You," Slate hisses.

"Hello. The weather is nice today, don't you think?"

"When I'm done with this incarnation, I'll defeat you next," Slate states.

"Oi, Yuya," the person says, ignoring Slate completely.

This caught the angry duelist.

"Your parents are fine. This guy is just using a fake video to get you angry. Calm down and finish this duel."

It didn't seem like the words register for a moment, but the aura around Yuya slowly disappears.

"Are you sure? You're not lying to us," Yuya asks.

"Call them."

Since Yuya was in the middle of the duel, Yuto did it for them. The eggplant's duel disk rings twice before someone picks up.

"Yuto? Is that you," the voice of Yoko asks.

The eight sighs in relief as they hear the woman.

"Yes. Are you alright? Are you hurt," Yuto asks.

"I'm supposed to asks you that. I heard from Gongzenka that you haven't show up to You Show," Yoko explains.

"Sorry. We'll explain everything when we get home. Right now, we are busy," Yuzu says.

"Okay. Please be careful."

With that, they end the call.

"You," Slate hisses at the person. "You ruin my plan."

"Please end this before I end it for you, Yuya," the person says, still ignoring the enemy.

Yuya nods.

"Alright. Now that we know your trick, I'll continue my attack. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, attack PSY-Framelord Omega! Spiral Flame Strike."

The red dragon roars before it sends a spiral of flames toward Slate's monster. PSY-Framelord Omega is hit with the attack and it disappears. The attack also hits Slate as his life points drop to zero. On the hologram screen pops up and says "Win" with Yuya's picture.

"You may have win today," Slate says, as he coughs. "But there is more of us. So, you better watch out."

Before the counterparts can asks, Slate disappears.

"Again," Yugo shouts as he punches one of the boxes.

"He's right. More of Lash's minions will be after you," the person says.

At some point, the person got down from the bridge and making their way towards the eight.

"Who are you," Yuri asks. "What do you want from us?"

"Is that any way to say to your savior? Anyways, I'm name is Aka. I don't want anything from you. But I think you should leave as soon as possible."

"Leave, to where," Ruri asks.

"Trust your cards. They will guide you to where you need to go."

With that, Aka walks away. The eight runs after Aka, but it was like they disappear into thin air.

"What are we going to do now," Yuya asks.

"I don't know. For now, we need to tell our parents what is happening. If something like this happen for real, then it would be bad in the future," Yuto states.

"I agree with Eggplant," Yuri says. "If we warn them now, they have a better chance to protect themselves without taken by surprise."

"If Cabbage agrees, then it must be really dangerous," Yugo says.

"Come on, we better go before more people comes," Ruri says.

[Sakaki's household]

The eight arrives at the Sakaki's household. They can already hear Yoko pacing back and forth before they can even walk into the house. They can also here Yusho trying to calm her down. Yuya opens the door and see Yusho and Shuzo sitting on the couch while, as they predicted, Yoko pacing in front of two men.

"Yoko, please calm down. They'll be back soon," Yusho says.

"But what if," Yoko starts but see the group standing near the doorway.

Before anyone can say or do anything, Yoko runs towards the children and somehow hugs all of them.

"You kids had me worry. If you disappeared like that again, I'll have to ban you from dueling," Yoko says.

Shuzo gets up from his seat, quietly walking towards them. He then grabs all the girls into a hug and starts crying.

"If I lose you, I don't know what to do," Shuzo says, balling his eyes out.

"Now, now. Let go of the kids. They have some explaining to do," Yusho says.

The eight nods and went to the couches to sit down. They explain what happened to them the week Lash attacked them. They also explain about Aka and Lash's minions threating them.

"Well, I'm glad that you kids are alright, but what are you going to do now," Yusho asks.

"Aka said to leave as soon as possible," Rin recalls.

"Leave where to exactly," Shuzo asks.

"They never say. They just say to believe in our cards," Yuzu answers.

"What they meant is that your cards will take you to the past," a voice can out of nowhere.

The people in the room look around and see a transparent Time Gazer Magician next to Yuya.

AN: This is a lot shorter than I want it to be, but that's fine. Don't know when chapter 4 will come out but look forward to it. Until then, bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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