When fat boys get skinny

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As a child lance was overweight. His family put him on many diets just to have he lose a few pounds and gain much more. He wasn't bullied that much at the time because it was normal to see a child with a lot of baby fat, but at 13 years old you can't really call it baby fat anymore. The bullying started in 8th grade, the most hated year for just about everyone. His main bully is jack , a football player who lance had always admired until the bullying, then lance lost a lot of respect for his upper classmate. Jake hates lance and is always making comments about his weight. That was expected considering lance was weighing 180 pounds at 13 years old. Lance was also short so it made him look even bigger. Lance was used to this and didn't really care anymore but there was still one problem. One thing keeping him away from being carefree and happy. Kade, jakes little brother in lances grade. Kade's 14 and is skinny fit, all the girls have crushes on kade, including lance himself. He loved everything about kade, his eyes, his smile and cute freckles, even his goofy Hawaiian shirts! Trust me when I say lance is head over heels for kade. Finally his last few days before Christmas break lance gathered enough courage to slip a note into Kade's locker through the slides and walks off. The note asked if he meet him at the coffee shop down the hill. He made sure kade knew he was a boy as to not catfish him, but he didn't tell kade who he is. The next morning kade walks up to lance.
"Hey lance?" Kade asked. 'Shit' lance thought. "Yeah kade?" He asked. "Can you help me shop for a date? Like help me pick out a nice shirt? I already have jeans." Lance was shocked 'he's going! But is it wired to shop for a date, with his date?' "Lance?" Kade cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy and at that moment lance didn't care, he wanted to spend as much time with the person he loved. "So can you come? We can shop for you to you know, I just need to get a shirt shouldn't take long." "Yeah I'll come I need t-to get a few things myself." Lance muttered. "Okay lets go then!" The way their wasn't awkward at all, they talked and laughed making jokes too, 'this is perfect! He already likes my jokes! I should save a few for the date though.' Lance though, finally not thinking about his fat thighs  on a car ride for once.

At the mall lance and kade we're trying to find an shirt. Kade found this cute Hawaiian button up with flowers. He tried it on for lance and he look amazing, Lance was practically drooling. Lance found a shirt he liked, mostly because kade picked it out for him. It was a blue and white baseball tee, Lance loved it but he didn't love how it was a Large. Kade drove lance back home and lance got ready for the date. He took a shower, styled his hair and put on Cologne. He was wearing the shirt kade picked out for him with black jeans to make him look skinnier. The coffee shop was right on the block by his house. He walked in and saw kade in the 3rd booth reading a book. Lance walked up to him. "Hey kade." Lance said nervously. "Lance what the hell dude I told you I'm going on a date!" Kade whisper yelled. "I know
that's kinda why I'm here." "What do you mean?" Kade asked confused.
"I asked you out kade. I really like you, and I hope you feel the same." Lance smiled kindly. Kades face turn disgusted and red. "Lance I like you as a friend. Count yourself lucky even for that. I would never date you. Sure I like boys to some degree but not you. You're fat. Just saying the truth and I know one day a desperate guy will ask you out but it's not going to be me. If I were going to date a guy and come out with him he'd be the exact opposite of you. I only hang out with you so you don't kill yourself. Thanks for getting my hopes up lance. Goodbye." Kade walked out before lance could stop him. Lance started to hiccup and cry, how pathetic, crying in a damn coffee shop after getting rejected by the only 'friend' he had. People around him heard, they couldn't ignored it if they wanted to. But only one person patted his shoulder on the way out. Lance just sat there. He knew everyone was watching him so he got up and ran home. He didn't live far away but it still made him out of breath half way there but he kept running to focused on losing weight and being rejected to care about the burning pain in his chubby legs. Once lance got home he cried for what felt like days but was only 2 hours until he fell asleep. The next day lance skipped breakfast, telling his mom he felt sick so he could stay home from school and Kade. Kade probably told jack so there was a future beating ahead of him, yay.
Lance kept making himself throw up all day. He didn't eat anything that day. When he felt hungry he just drank water or slept. When his family came home he was passed out on the couch but they thought it was just because he was sick.
Only a month until schools over. Lance was set out to be skinny next year.

*time skip to next year y'all know the drill*

It was the night before the first day of high school. You could say lance was nervous. Okay he was fucking terrified. He lost a lot of weight but now has a lot of stretch marks on his body that he hates. He is now 14 weighing at 118 lbs. he lost 62 lbs in 4 months. By doing the same thing he did on the first day. (A/N don't be stupid and do this normal dieting is so much better and faster and throwing up food isn't good for you trust me.) lance decided on wearing a blue baseball tee and his favorite jacket.
The next day came quicker than lance hoped. It was the first day sophomore year and lance was terrified to see kade and jack.
*3rd hour*
Lance got his hopes up thinking that Kade and jack weren't in his classes but in 3rd hour he was proven wrong when he saw Kade walk up to him. "Well lancy lance, you lost weight since we talked. Guess you took my advice but you'll still never be truly skinny. I know under that tee shirt you have huge stretch marks across your stomach and thighs like a fat pig." Kade whispers. Lance tears up "but congrats on losing a few pounds." 'Don't let him see you cry' lance thought bitterly. It's what his mom would tell him when the bullies got to much and he'd drown himself in food. Lance looks up at the front of the classroom and sees a boy with jet black hair and violet eyes walk in. 'Holy shit that guys hot! Maybe now that I lost weight I can get a boyfriend or girlfriend' "Hey um this is awkward but I'm new and I don't know where any of my classes are and I was told we have the same classes. It's lance right? They told me what you look like by the way I'm not just a random stalker." The handsome stranger told lance. "Oh yeah I wasn't actually told about this but if we have classes together you can just follow me" lance smiled hoping he didn't come of as rude. "I'm Keith" "lance-we'll you know that" Keith laughed "you're cute when you're flustered" and walked away. 'Holy shit this guy might be into me too!'
After that class lance and Keith walked to science talking about random shit. Keith took a seat next to lance and listened to what the teacher had to say.
They were assigned partners to whoever they were sitting next to. After class Keith asked lance if he wanted to come over to his to work on the project, lance agreed.

*after school*
After school they walked to Keith's house together laughing and talking when suddenly lance was tripping over someone's foot, jacks. "Well hello lance. I haven't seen you in forever. Guess you took the advice and got skinny. So how'd you do it? Did you starve yourself? Slit your wrists to lose blood weight? Or did you throw up everything until you felt better hmm?" Lance stayed quiet tears gathering up as he did all of the three to try to loss weight. God he's an idiot. "Not talking? Who's your man whore your with? Did he drag you into his awful life like he did my brother? I'm so sorry for yo-" jack was cut off by a punch to the nose immediately drawing blood. "Don't ever talk to lance like that. Common lance let's go" Keith said calmly. They walked to Keith's with no farther incidents. "Lance are you okay?" Lance jolted not paying attention. "Oh um yeah sorry just still a little shaken up i guess. "Oh you're fine I wanted to ask what that was all about anyway. That guy seems to really not like you." "Oh yeah that's jack, I liked his brother but his brother didn't like me. Jack was an asshole from day one though." "I'm sorry you shouldn't deal with that" Keith said worried. "Don't worry I'm fine. Besides, he's right." "What? lance! You're the best guy I know here!" "I'm the only guy you know here!" "True" they laughed. Hours later with still nothing on the board they were talking "so about what jack said about your weight" "yeah" "what did he mean. "I used to be really fat and when I asked him out he said he'd never date me because of it." "Oh lance, that's horrible! You lost weight because of some douche bag?" "I should thank him really, without that I'd be disgustingly fat." Keith got a scary look in his eyes "lance listen to me, you are beautiful inside and nothing will change that. I would still think you're hot even if you weighed 200lbs." Lance gasped "y-you think I'm hot?" Keith shyly smiled "well I-I mean yeah, you're beautiful and nice and i don't know why I can't stop smiling with you." Lance hugged Keith "I feel the same way." "Would it be wired if I kissed you? Since we just met?" Lance pushed his lips on Keith's. "Not at all" Keith's smile was huge "god, were like in a movie or something, kissing when we just met!" "Was it bad?" Keith pushed his lips back on lances. "Does that awnser your question?" "Yep!" Lance and Keith kissed again.
1877 words
Part 6 or idk how to end things lol.
I'm so so so sorry that it took me so long to get this out I've been working on it for a while. School been great and I have a great group of friends so that's awesome lol. I hope you guys loved this and please give me some ideas for the next update (:
Bye see y'all soon -S🌻💛

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