Hitoshi Shinsou - College to America to Detectives

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Reader P.O.V.

I sat in the lecture hall, contemplating whether or not staying up for 5 days straight was a good idea. In Psychology, there was a huge assignment due today, and the majority of students strained themselves as the struggled to even get the finished work to the hand-in box.

I sat in my usual seat, groaning as I reached for my third coffee within the last 2-3 hours. I heard a whine from my side to see my best friend Mina almost bawling her eyes out.

"I don't know if I achieved the word count; Mr. Aizawa is going to kill meeeeeeeeeeeee!" She complained.

"I know! Ten thousand words?! More like half a book! Next thing you know he's gonna say that there was no word count and that this was all just a logical ruse!" I replied.

We grumbled, and the rest of the class settled in. But a new kid walked in before the bell rang. A sleepy-looking guy who had purple hair and a bag. He dragged himself to an empty desk, which happened to be right next to me. He had a fresh cup of coffee and placed it on the desk. He pulled something out from his bag: a can of Monster Energy Drink.

He pulled the lid off the coffee, opened the Monster, and poured the contents of the tall aluminum can into the coffee.

He picked up the drink, looked at me and said, "I'm going to die."

And he straight up chugged the entire thing.


It's a good thing he didn't die.

He introduced himself as Hitoshi Shinsou, a new transfer. I asked him why he drank that death potion.

"I need to stay awake."

Huh, don't we all?

We talked for a bit and we actually had a bit in common. We both aspired to become the best in our class and graduate to be detectives. We got lost in our conversation until the class ended. We got all our stuff and left the lecture room, and I walked with Shinsou out of the classroom.

"Hey, do you want to catch some lunch together? I know a good place to eat and study!" I asked Shinsou.

"Uhh, sure."

"Great!" I took his hand and made a beeline for my favourite restaurant in the whole city, 'Lunch Rush!!!'

When we arrived, the waitress recognized me immediately and led us to a table that gave an overlook of the campus, along with popularized parts of the city.

She handed us two large menus, and walked off to tend to other customers.

"I come here often, it has great food and I know the chef well; he always has this spot saved for me." I said.

"Well that's advantageous..."

"Yeah, it is. Hey, there's going to be internship applications next week. Since we both have a common goal, do you wanna intern with me? We could go overseas; it's always controversial there." I asked.

"I don't know..." Shinsou mumbled.

"I looked up at the program I want to apply for. Everything is provided, but they're only taking 42 of the best students. So...?"


I punched the air in joy. "It'll be fun! We're going to go all over the place, and I saved money for souvenirs!"


A week later, we applied for the internship and took the test, with at least a few hundred people.

I sat at my spot, nervous that my answers for the open-ended questions wasn't enough. I wiggled the pencil back and forth in my hands, when I felt a reassuring hand on mine.

I looked over at Shinsou, who still stared at his paper while writing, but he had a faint smile on his lips.

Nodding to myself, I returned to finish my test.


"What did you get for question 55?" I asked Shinsou as we walked to the cafeteria.

"I said that it was simply more logical to save the victim than to prioritize the mission."


A week later, the results were posted outside the main office. I ran to the papers, pulling Shinsou along.

When I read the list, I read from the bottom up. "Nonononononono-oh, congrats Zuzu!-nonono-YES!"

Both our names were at the top of the list, and we passed with almost perfect scores!

"This is great, isn't it, Shinsou?"

All the boy could do was nod as he gazed at his name on the list. I ruffled his hair, snapping him out of his trance.

He looked at me and nodded. "Yeah."


A few days later, we packed our bags and set out for the U.S., where the world's best detective was trained. We waited in the airport, snacking on chips and coffee.

I spotted a nearby convenience store in the airport, and they had Monster Energy Drinks. Smiling to myself, I got up and bought two cans. I walked back to Hitoshi and handed him one.

"What's this for?"

"A good luck thing for the trip. A reminder of how we first met-you almost killing yourself to stay awake with the concoction of coffee and Monster Energy." I said, cracking it open and taking a sip.

"Yeah, that is how we met..." Hitoshi murmured.

I smiled brightly at him, and I could barely make out the small blush on his cheeks. Getting an idea, I took his lukewarm coffee and opened it, pouring the remainder of my Monster Energy in, and then chugging it down.

"You are crazy, you know?" Hitoshi asked.

"You're the one who did this first," I said, laughing through the pain it gave.

Soon, our flight was called, and we made our way onto the plane. We took our seats next to each other and waited for the plane to take off. The flight was going to take 10 hours, so I took the blanket the plane offered and spread it all over me.

"Hey, Hitoshi? This flight's gonna take a while, so can I use your shoulder for a bit? Thanks." I asked, leaning to my left and laying my head gently on his shoulder, and drifting off to sleep.


3rd P.O.V

Shinsou looked at (Y/N), who was sleeping for 2 hours so far. He smiled lightly, spread the blanket over him as well, and held her hand underneath the blanket. 

"I'm glad to have met you..." He said to himself, and laid his head on hers, and fell asleep as well.


(Y/N) woke up and felt a warmth in her left hand and a weight on her head. She used her right hand to push off the weight from her head, to see Hitoshi's vibrant lavender locks in her grasp. A light pink dusted her cheeks, and she lifted the warmth in her other hand to reveal Hitoshi's hand in hers.

Unconsciously, she squeezed his hand, holding her cheek to his hand, thinking:

'I want to stay with you this way forever...'


A/N: IYAAAH....my first one shot...probably gonna do a part two to this in the future once I think of something...

oh my the rusty gears in my dying brain...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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