Chapter four

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Hey yalls ok just letting you all know that harrys POV is mostly him texting haha ok i hope you like this i shall update tommorow or the next day if i have the time:)



Harry's POV

  *I feel bad for Avy. i mean she is just getting to the good part of life...she is seventeen and hasn't even drank ohh and her friend jessica mmmm she is GORGEOUS


Hey babe. its harry:)


Hey hay hai haha :D what goes on sweet thang;)


Oh haha just texting a super gorgeous girl HBUXD


O.o Is this girl someone i should worry about...... Whos legs do i have to break ;)


haha isnt that gunna hurt to break your own legs love??:)


Nooooooooooooo its gunna feel like a cloud full of angels haha IDK haha ..So you were talking bout me...


Oh yes i have an important question..ive been wanting to ask you since i met you...


OMG YES harry yes yes yes a million bejillion times yes... of course i will marry you;)


Tee hee ill ask that later in the relationship;D but i was just wondering if you want to go out maybee tommorow night??♥


Yeah sure of course:O weill i shall text you later booX) i have to go shopping/sight seeing:)


YAY:) haha have fun..

 *man am i lucky. time to tell the guys... i run out to the den and pelvic thrust:P

I scream and laugh"GUise guess who gots a date tommorow night!!!"

My boobear looks bamboozled "I dont know....... Are you stalking people harry... are you stalking sweet innocent children.. HOW COULD YOU HARRY EDWARD STYLES WHY WOULD YOU EVER TAKE ONE OF MY FAVORITE HOBBYS AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!"

   *Oh louis your so strange.. he crys into zayns shoulder*

"Louis calm down..cause i love you......" Mr. payne proclaims

I scream like a weirdo "OH HELL NAHHH... are you cheating on me boobear.. really??:("

Louis say mysteriously " Maybe i amm."

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