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Lauren bites her lip, feeling like her heart has been slammed into a brick wall millions of times, shattering her to pieces as she sees Camila smiling up at Matthew, unaware of her presence. The familiar churn in the green-eyed girl's stomach is knocking the wind out of her as she felt the agonizing heartbreak all over again.

What is she doing? Why is she here? Camila doesn't need a pothead like her! Camila has Matthew now. How foolish of her to think she might still have a chance to win the brunette back when she is now clearly happy with someone else.

How stupid can you be, Lauren? She keeps beating herself up for it as she takes a step back. She needs to get out of here fast, otherwise she might end up breaking down in front of everybody and make a bigger fool of herself. Pride is all she has left, and she needs to keep herself together to stop herself from breaking once more.

She knew it. Second chances are a bunch of bullshit. It isn't for everybody, certainly not for a pothead celebrity like her. She screwed it all up with Camila once, now she has to live with the reality that she won't get her back anymore.

Fate must've really hate Lauren because as she is about to turn around and head out the door, Camila slowly turns her head towards her direction and looks at her, shock evident in her still frail features.

"L-Lauren?" The brunette Latina choked out as her brown eyes met Lauren's green ones. All eyes are on her now, as Matthew, Sinu, Alejandro look up at her.

"I-I... I.." Lauren stutters, not finding words to say as she feels her brain failing on her, her throat constricting as she feels the overwhelming urge to cry.

She can't do this. It hurts too much to act like she isn't affected by the way Matthew's fingers intertwine Camila's and the tender look on the man's face as he looks at her. Her tears are starting to brim her eyes and despite her blurry vision, Lauren still musters a forced smile. "I-I'm glad you're okay, Camz.." The green-eyed singer manages to utter. "I-I need to go.." She says before turning around quickly and rushes out of the room as fast as she can. Lauren feels tears trickle down her cheeks one by one until she collapses onto the floor as soon as she rounds up a corner. She sinks into her knees and cradles her face into her own hands, wracking sob after sob as she finally releases all the pent up emotions inside of her.

Whether she wants to admit or not, Matthew is good for Camila, and she'll be happy with him. Lauren knows she can't fuck up her life again the way she did before.


Lord knows how long it's been since Lauren hid herself into the deserted parking lot of the hospital. She sitting on a curb, hiding herself from everyone by placing herself in between two parked ambulances. She had thought about walking into a bar and drink all her sorrows away but she knows she can't do that, atleast not at two o'clock in the afternoon anyway. She needs something to take the edge off, to make her forget about everything even just for a while.

The responsibilities that come with being in one of the biggest girl group of this generation on her shoulders are slowly weighing her down and lately, Lauren feels like walls are starting to close in on her, making no room for her to breathe anymore. She feels like she's living in this thing called "life" where despite the feisty no-nonsense woman she's trying to portray in public, at the same time, she's also trying to fit the mold the management and the public have set for her. She's trying to live up to their expectations which only made the bar raise higher and higher each time, leaving no room for satisfaction.

And the only person who can make Lauren's very existence feel worthwhile and the only person who could give her solace from all of that distress is gone, happy in someone else's arms and Lauren doesn't know what to do from here on out.

Never Be The Same (Camren short fic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now