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Authors POV:

As the small boy walked to his first class he could feel the eyes staring through the back of his head. His jumper hung loosely over his small frame. It reached down to his mid thigh. His small white shorts couldn't be seen from the outside. On his feet he wore a pair if old scuffed converse.

He entered through the brown wooden door with his head hung low. Whispers could be heard as he made his way to his seat.

"Why does he even come?"
"He should just kill himself already"
"Fucking whore"

He chose to ignore the whispers and sat down in his usual seat in the back row. He didn't know why they spoke about him that way. He didn't even understand half of the things they were saying. He tried not to let it affect him though.

He pulled out his notebook and a freshly sharpened pencil flicking to an empty page. He drowned out the voices of his classmates and started doodling on the fresh paper.

He ended up drawing a small carton cat with comically big eyes. He giggled to himself staring at the small drawing. Suddenly he felt a small object hit the side of his head. He looked down, his small puff of pink hair flopping in his face.

On the floor next to his desk lay a small paper ball. He picked it up and unraveled it.
The note read: what are you laughing at faggot boy!?

He looked around the room and heard a snicker come from a seat near his. He quickly crumpled up the paper and shoved it into his pocket as the teacher walked in.

After school ~

Jimin walked through the halls avoiding the hundreds of other bodies occupying the hall.

He made it outside finally and started his journey home. He walked along the path on the side of the road, his hands tightly gripping the straps of his school bag. his walk home wasn't too long.

He walked towards his front door seeing the same black car parked on the road, tinted windows rolled all the way up almost teasingly. He didn't know who the car belonged to. No new neighbours had moved in. The car had been there for two months now.

Jimin walked past the car and over to his front door. He opened the door knowing that his mother would've kept it unlocked. As he walked into the lounge-room he could smell that horrible smell again. he looked at the ground and saw all of the empty wine bottles that decorated the tiles.

As he walked further in he could see his mother passed out on the couch, tight dress riding up the sides of her legs. He moved past the mess and upstairs to his bedroom. His house was small and his room was tiny. They didn't have much money and the money they did have his mother would spend on alcohol.

His stomach grumbled as he sat down on his bed. He didn't care that he had no food, the school gave them free lunches and as long as he was getting food he was happy.

He pulled out his favourite book and flipped to the first page. It was called Mythical Creatures and the Fantasy World. He has always been fascinated by mythical creatures. Fairy's were his favorite.

After reading for hours he felt tired and decided to go to sleep. He made his way to the small bathroom and brushed his teeth.

He changed into a warm jumper and a pair of leggings to wear to bed. He hopped under his covers and drifted to sleep.

The next morning ~

Jimin awoke to the sound of thunder. He opened his curtains and looked out to see the rain pouring heavily.

He went into the bathroom and splashed his face with some warm water. Jimin looked up at the mirror looking at his fuzzy pink bed head. He wet his hands and smoothed down his hair, picking up a comb and going through it.

He brushed his teeth and went into his room to get dressed. He put on a pair of tight black jeans and a long baby blue jumper that reached his mid thigh.

He slipped into his same scuffed converse and headed down the hall with his bag in hand.

He walked towards the lounge-room to where his mum was sleeping on the couch. He gently shook her awake.

"What the fuck do you want!?" She yelled sitting up.

"Its raining outside and I don't have an umbrella.." He whispered, looking down to the stained white carpet.

"Fine here" his mother said and shoved a $5 note into his hand. She went back to sleep on the couch straight away.

"Thank you" Jimin mumbled as he walked away towards the front door.

The convince store was right around the corner. If he ran he could make it in 30 seconds.

He opened the door and quickly started running with his bag above his head. He ran towards the glass doors of the store and immediately ran in.

He walked along the near empty isles and finally find the small umbrellas. $6 the tag said. Jimin huffed as he put the item back.

He walked back out the doors and sat on a bench out the front of it. It was sheltered from the rain but he could still feel the harsh wind.

He swung his legs as he watched the rain pour down.

"Hey there sweety, are you ok?" A voice said from next to Jimin.

He looked up and saw a man a bit taller than him. He has dark black hair and a lip piercing.

"I-im ok. I need to get to school but I don't have an umbrella" he said as he looked up at the dark grey clouds.

"Aww poor baby" the man said as he looked down at Jimin.

"I'm not a baby" Jimin mumbled as he looked towards the man.

"Oh I'm sorry." He said. "It looks like the rain is getting heavier, did you want a ride to school?" The man said as he looked at the sky.

"R-really?" Jimin said as he smiled up at the man. His eyes turning into crescents.

The man smiled back. "Of course" he said as he ruffled Jimins cotton candy hair.

He lead the small boy to his car. Both of them running through the rain. They got into the car. Jimin in the passenger side and the man in the driver seat.

The man turned to Jimin. "I forgot to say, my name is Yoongi" he said as he started the car.

"I'm Jimin!!" Jimin announced happily as he did up his seat belt.

Yoongi chuckled as he started the car. Jimin started to notice that they were going the opposite way to the school.

"Umm Yoongi? You're going the wrong way" Jimin said poking the pierced mans shoulders.

"Shhh dont worry baby I know" he said grinning.

Before jimin could speak he felt a sharp prick in his neck. Everything became hazy and before he know it he had passed out.

"Hush baby, we'll be home soon" Yoongi said stroking the small boys hair.


Hey, its me the Author. This is like.. My first book so yea. I'm sorry if it's really bad.

But please vote and comment!!

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