14: T A K E N

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"O-otay, where are we going?" Jimin asked following the fast paced Taemin.

"Out the back of the school. There's a really cute puppy there, I'm sure you'd love to see it" Taemin smiled leading the way. "I-i do love puppies" Jimin smiled.

Taemin lead him out the back of the school, towards the parking lot. "Where the puppy?" Jimin asked confused as they stopped in the middle of the nack parking lot. 

Suddenly Jimin couldn't breath. He froze. There was a cloth held tightly against his face. "N-NO!!" he shouted trying to claw away but another set of hands held him tightly. "n-noo" he drowsily said, slowly loosing consciousness.

"Good job Taemin. Let's get him in the boot"

Taemin picked up the unconscious boy and put him into the open boot of the black car. "sorry" he whispered quietly to himself as he closed the boot.


Flashback, Taemin POV


I excused myself out of the classroom and went around the corner before answering my phone.

"Yes father?"

"Yoongi's husband saw the car Mark was watching them from. They're onto us. We have to move along faster than I thought. Mark will meet you behind the school at lunch. Don't fuck this up."


I took a deap breath in before  sighing. I guess it's time to get going.


Author POV // after school

Hoseok stood leaning against his parked car, waiting for Jimin to come out of the gates.

After 10 minutes of waiting he started to get worried.

'Where is he?? Why hasn't he come out yet? Everyone else has left the school.. I should go look for him" he thought while franticly walking into the school.

The halls were empty, everyone had already gone home.

"Jimin!!! Baby!!" Hoseok yelled walking through the halls shakily. Jimin wouldn't of ran away would he..? No. He had no reason to. They gave him everything. His life now was 100× better then what it had been.

Eventually Hoseok gave up on searching. He found his way out of the school and to the car hoping Jimin would be sitting there waiting for him.

He opened the car do and took a deep breath in as he saw the empty car seat. He quickly grabbed his phone from the centre console and called Yoongi.

Yoongi picked up fast "Hello, what's up babe? How's Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"I can't find Jimin, Yoongi I can't find Jimin. He didn't show up after school, I even searched the school for him" Hoseok said on the brink of tears.

"No.... No no NO!! it can't be."

"Yoongi? What's wrong?? WHERE IS JIMIN" Hoseok shouted. He had been with Yoongi for years. He could tell when something was off.

"Lee. It had to have been. That bastard would do anything to get my title. That car you saw outside the house must've been his. They must have seen Jimin playing in the garden."

"Fuck how did I not put it together sooner!!" Yoongi yelled to himself.

"I'm coming home." Hoseok said before hanging up the phone.

Hoseok arrived home in record time and ran through the front door.

"Yoongi!!" He yelled running to the loungeroom. Yoongi was pasing around the living room, hands clenched tightly.

"If they touch Jimin I am going to fucking kill all of them" Yoongi growled. "I already called my men and they're tracking his location."

Yoongi turned around and hugged Hoseok, pulling him in at the waist. "I'm going to find him. Just stay here and keep safe" he whispered before letting go and walking out the door.

Hoseok sat down on the couch and layed down before silently crying. 'Please be safe my baby'


AHHH me??? Writing??? Wowww it's legit been so long I am actually terrible. But anyways quarantine has me felling inspired ehe ♡

L O S T   K I T T E N - Sopemin/ YoonseokminWhere stories live. Discover now