Chapter 7 : Decisions Desicions

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Zayn's POV

I rubbed my eyes as I woke from my care free sleep ,remembering all my troubles from the day before.

I sighed ,getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom of the hotel room. I stayed in a hotel as I couldn't face going back last night. I stared at my reflection in the mirror ,I looked like shit and felt like it too.

My hair was going any which way and my eyes were puffy from crying.

I took a quick shower and got dress before grabbing my phone and car keys and walking out of the hotel. I had to go to my flat sometime. The boys would be worried.

I pulled up to my flat walking to the door and going inside. It felt like I hadn't been here forever ,but I was glad to be home.

I flicked on the tv searching for something to take my mind of the fact I was going to be a dad with a girl I hardly even know. Suddenly the doorbell rang ,I walked over to the door and opened it.

It was the boys looking concerned.

"God Zayn thank god your alive" niall said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Come in" I said, I felt so guilty for what I was putting them through.

After they had all sat down in the living room they all began to stare at me like they were expecting me to say something ,but I didn't know what to say.

"Whats going on mate" liam said after awhile of silence.

Thats when I told them everything about me and perrie,the club,  Eve and the baby. The baby part especially surprise them as there faces turned from concerned to complete shock.

" Oh my god your gonna be a dad" Louis said.

" What am I going to do? management arent going to be happy ,there'll probably kick me out of the band" i said beginning to well up but I kept the tears back ,I couldn't cry in front of them.

"We won't let that happen" Harry said.

" What you gonna do about the baby then" Niall said.

" I don't know,  maybe its best that I don't see it"

" I'd be a rubbish father"

" Zayn I think you'll regret it if you don't see your own child" liam said staring me right in the eye.

" Maybe your right" I said.

" We should probably leave you on your own to think things through" liam said standing up from the sofa.

" Yeah thanks guys" I said.

They all left and I was all alone.

Am I ready? Could this ruin my career? Would Eve let me see it?

I thought it all through.

Liam was right ,I would regret it .It's my own baby for god sake.

I had to find Eve ,the the sooner the better.


Sorry I know its short but its just a filler. Please vote .

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