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This isn't my idea so yeah i searched it on google and decided to change it i didn't have any idea on what to write so yeah. hope you guys like it xxx 

Y/N's p.o.v 

Ugh.. we have to do this stupid chemistry homework on atoms. Shawn is coming over soon since we were partnered for this project. I'm not complaining he's really cute and hot and just everything, plus i kinda have a massive crush on him. we agreed to meet up at mine at 5 so i was just getting ready right now. I decided to wear this...

As soon as i had finished my mascara i heard a knock at the door

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As soon as i had finished my mascara i heard a knock at the door. "honey there's a boy downstairs for you" my mum shouted up the stairs. I ran down and saw shawn standing there with some books "hey Y/N" he said looking at me i blushed before answering "hey"  he walked inside closing the door behind him. "Follow me." i said walking up the stairs and into my room, Shawn walked in he put his books down on my bed. "so what are we doing?" shawn asked me. "we have to the atoms project." you said rolling your eyes. you sat down on your bed and picked up one of your books. shawn sat beside you reading another book. After a while of making notes shawn started fidgeting around. you looked up at him. "Are you okay?" you said watching him. "yeah." you nodded looking back down to your book. you looked up again to see shawn on his phone. he isn't helping at all right now and it needs to be handed in tommorow ugh. I started freaking out. "we need to finish it! stop messing around!" i said picking up a book. i was about to throw it at shawn but he caught my hand and took the book off me "oh Y/N! We'll finish it in time. maybe making out for a few minutes would help us figure things out." he said winking at me. "ugh okay but you have to help after." i said moving closer to him. we finished our project and got an A in chemistry, maybe i should work with shawn more often ; ) 😉


did you like it? I only got the idea from google not the whole of it so yeah but anyway love y'all so much xxx btw did u see the S in shawn's hair in the picture lol)

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