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Hi I'm Edythe but please call me Eddie, i can't fucking stand my name. Its humiliating. Anyway here is some things about me.

Full name: Edythe Mae Sykes (no relation to Oli Sykes I've checked)

Age: 20

Family:Mum(dead) dad (dead) sister (14) (alive)

Hobbies: YouTube

Fave colour: green

Fave film: Batman/Star wars/Harry Potter

Fave you tuber/s: the side men and WillNE and al of what was My Digital Escape.

I've had a pretty fucked up life, my parents died in a mass shooting when i was 18. I have looked after my sister ever since. I live with one of my favourite people, my best mate, Caroline. I grew up in Grimsby but moved to London when I was 12. Um I left secondary school with 7 A*'s and 4 A's. I was smart but i cant remember half of it now. It was four years ago for fucks sake. Once I left school i dyed my hair, pierced my face in so many places and when I turned 18 i got my left arm sleeved.

Lets just say i was very rebellious after year 11.

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