Chapter 8

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*JJ's POV*

I woke up and I remembered last nights conversation with Simon I then remembered that I am in Simon's bed SHIT. I tried to get up but soon realised that Simon's arm was around me SHIT. "well this is awkward" I said to myself. I noticed Simon was starting to wake up. " simon, oi , simon wake up" I whispered he woke up enough to realise that he had is arm around me."oh shit sorry JJ" he moved his arm and sat up. I have to admit I really wish he'd stayed like he was. We both got up since it was nearly 12 o clock. Simon walked up to me so i had no option of leaving Shit. "Jide are you going to tell me what you were talking to Eddie about or not" " trust me Simon i want to tell you im just scared of your reaction"

*Eddie's POV"

i was walking down stairs when i over heard the conversation between Simon and JJ

"JJ are you going to tell me what you were talking to Eddie about or not?" "Trust me Simon I want to tell you im just scared of your reaction" " like I said last night, no matter what you tell me im always going to be you best friend no matter what." i decided to intervene so that this is sightly less awkward for JJ "That's the problem Simon." I said as I poked my head around the door. " what are you on about Eddie" " think about what you were talking to me about the other night" I left it at that and I went down stairs to talk to Carolyn and Saph. " hey Saph, hows it going with Jake" " AMAZING" "Eddie?" "yes Carrie" "Can i talk to you? alone"

Hello peoples of the Inter webs Eddie here:P

What is Carolyn going to tell Eddie? predict things in the comments :p

the next Chapter is going to be all in either Simon's or JJ's PoV and you can probably guess what its going to be about.

thx for the support on this story

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