Chapter 7

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  I woke up to some one jumping on the bed. I looked up to see my best guy friend Stephen jumping on my bed. "Hello Stephen" "hi" he sat down on the bed "what do you want now you ginger nonce" "Simon sent me to wake you up" i got up and got dressed while talking to Stephen. We are close and this is normal. We walked downstairs and everyone was waiting for us "what are we doing?"" Nandos!" "you've been stood there waiting for me just to go to nandos seriously?" simon nodded his head, i sighed "ffs you people" we went To nandos like every day and Will and Alex came so you know that was fun. We all went back to the house where we filmed a shit tonne of video between us all. 

 At about midnight JJ walked into my room as i was finishing up a video. "Can we film a video" "uh sure, what were you thinking" "two Truth's and a lie" "sure"

We set up the camera and got our shit sorted. And we were ready to start, he did his introduction and then we stated the video. "You can go first Jide" "ok.. um.. so.. I.. um I shit i should have thought about this" " what were you doing for the last 20 minutes?" "Shut up, My middle name is William, I was born on the 18th of June, and Im gay" " well i know for a fact that your birthday is the 19th, wait wait wait wait wait what? Your gay, omg omg omg. This is amazing" i leaped up and gave him a massive hug. "Please dont tell anyone" "don't worry im keeping a few secrets right now, i wont tell anyone, wait who do you like" he just sat there "do i know them" he nodded "is it simon?" Again he just sat there "OH... MY... GOD this is amazing" " how is this amazing, Simon is not even gay" " you might want to go talk to Simon " he looked at me confused "whyyyy" "i dont know...... gut feeling? " he looked at me quizzically. "Not tonight i cant be arsed. Can i stay here? Its too far to go to my room" " fucking hell jj i mean if you want but its not even that far" "it is at nearly one in the morning" "im off to Harry's room for the night anyway " "are you two together or something you spend way too much time together not to be " "yes we are jj " "when were going to tell us" "i thought Josh would've considering the amount of times hes walked in on us " his face lit up and he ran ijt of the room"SIMON SIMON" i heard him shout "DID YOU KNOW HARRY HAS A GIRLFRIEND???"

  *Simon's POV* (a/n you proud of me?)  

  Just as i was trying to fall asleep i heard jj being obnoxiously loud "SIMON SIMON" he screamed as he ran into my room "DID YOU KNOW HARRY HAS A GIRLFRIEND?" "NO JJ I DIDNT" i screamed back. JJ jumped onto my bed next to me "who is she" "Eddie" i just layed there in shock " i was talking to her about bei...something and then i asked her if i could stay in her room because i couldn't be arsed to move and she said said yeah coz she was going to harry's room any way so i asked her if they were together and she said she thought Josh would have told us coz he walked in on them kissing" i noticed he cut him self off, he was talking to Eddie about being something that he doesnt want me to know about. Since when does he keep secrets from me?? "Jide what were you talking to her about." "Its nothing" "Jide since when do you keep things from me" he looked at me and he just lay there for what seemed like hours but was really just a few seconds. "Simon,the thing is, you definitely wont look at me the same way and i dont want to stop being friends with you over something probably doesnt mean anything" i looked him in the eyes "Jide im always gonna be your best friend no matter what. there is literally nothing you could tell me that would make me change my mind, i want you to know that" "im sure you would hate me if i told you this" why wont he get it into his head that im not going to leave him "JJ i want you to know that no matter what you will always be my best friend" i said " and i wish you were more" i said to myself. I changed the topic because it was making me uncomfortable and i could tell it was making him uncomfortable too.   

i yawned and looked at the time " bloody hell its 4 am already" "if its ok with you Simon im staying here" "of course you can Jide why wouldnt it be ok with me"

Hello people of the inter webs. Eddie here, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and it wasnt to long and boring :p

anyways how soon do you think i should have JJ tell Simon that hes gay? tell me is the comments

love you guys thx for the support on this story :P

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