Dance With Me

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I stir my spaghetti sauce slowly, humming along to the music playing from the radio next to me. Natalie sits at the table tapping her foot, hard at work on another essay she has due. Since she started her freshmen year of college it's been a lot quieter around our tiny apartment. There's been a lot more nights alone in bed while she stayed up late to finish reports or study. It can get lonely at the apartment in the day, but I guess I shouldn't complain.

I'll never admit my feelings to her because I know how much this means to her. She's the first of her family to go to college and she takes pride in that. I would never want her to feel bad for doing something that makes her so happy.

This doesn't stop me from missing her, however. Even though I know she's behind me at the table, it still feels like she's miles away.

The music fades out and there's a moment of silence in the room. Then the acoustic guitar intro for Dance With Me by Orleans begins to fill the room. This is our song, I think to myself. I close my eyes and go back to the day of our wedding. I can still remember how beautiful she looked in her dress. Even though she was the femme girl in our relationship she never let me lead. I didn't mind though, I loved the way she made me feel so masculine but also so delicate at the same time. We haven't danced in a while.

I feel her hands slide around my waist, making my heart do a flip in my chest. She turned me around to face her and I placed my hands around her neck. A blush spreads across my cheeks and I couldn't stop my heart from racing. She smiles and reaches up to move a strand of hair out of my face. Then we start to sway, slow dancing around our small kitchen.

"Do you remember when we use to put this song on every night after the wedding?" she asked me.

I smile and rest my head against her chest. "Yeah, we use to put it on repeat and dance for hours."

"We ruined that CD." she says and I giggle. We dance through this song and into the next as I listen to her heart beat. The tempo of this song wasn't right for a slow dance but neither of us cared.

"I've missed you, Amy." she says and my cheeks turn red. I never realised that she could be missing me too. It warmed my heart to hear it.

"I missed you too."

She squeezes me. "Thank you for being so supportive these first couple of weeks. I know how distant I've been lately."

I look up at her. "Its fine, baby. I know how much you want that degree."

She makes a face, "Yeah but I don't want it hurting our relationship."

Hearing her say this reminds me of why I wanted to help her go to college in the first place. I wanted her to feel proud of herself. I wanted to give her what she wanted.

I smile. "Nothing can ruin this. I'll be here for you every step of the way, no matter what."

She kisses me and puts her head against mine. "I love you." She says in my ear.

I smile and lean into her. "I love you too, Natelie."

I don't know why I was so worried about us. We love each other more then anything. We can make it through anything together.

"Baby?" she says

"Yes?" I ask in a dreamy voice.

She smiles, amused. "I think your sauce is burning."


Dance With Me by Orleans is an amazing song by the way. I recommend you listen to it. Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. Bye :)

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