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-Eric's POV-

I watched my girlfriend fall asleep and her body now slowly lowering and rising with every breathe she took. She looked so very peaceful asleep. We took this opportunity to run various scans and tests while she was sleeping because we had no idea why she didn't remember any event that happened after that of the one she mentioned of the previous year. The doctor entered her room holding a scan that he had taken of her brain. "Ali has a clot in her brain. When the airbag hit her head it knocked her head a bit to hard causing her skull to rupture her brain causing a scrap and a clot to the brain." Aubrey and Zanà who had entered the room and had been listening to the doctor and all three of us just stood with our mouths gaped and our eyes staring at the man who had just broken the news to us. Noticing our reaction he continued. "There is a way to help her remembering though. You guys will need to constantly speak to her about recent events that have had an impact on her emotions and her brain will repress from her consistency of trying to remember and eventually she will. " Nodding our heads I turned to Aubrey and asked her if we could talk and she replied yes. We needed to know what we were gonna say to Ali once she woke up. She was gonna start wanting to know how everything happened soon.

-Aubrey's POV-

My eyes wandered up and down Eric's body as he told me that he wanted to go outside to speak and responded saying okay. He's just so frigging attractive. I waited for him to walk outside first so I could follow him to where he wanted to speak. We went to the fire escape and sat on the steps. It was rather cool this time of year, as it was now going into fall. We sat quiet for a few minutes and I could feel him staring at me. His eyes felt like they could see the fear rippling through my body. Moving a strand of hair from infront my face and putting it behind my ear I turned to look at him and our eyes met. His nearly grey eyes stared into my hazel ones and we leaned towards each other. Our noses brushed against each other's and we stared at each other. I could feel his shallow breathing, heating my lips causing them to tingle. My body shivered at the sensation and our lips slightly brushed before he pulled away from me. "I want you Au.. I don't want Ali, I want you." He stated, searching my face for some expression to what he had just said. I stared at his face, at every curve, every stubble, every part. I didn't know what to say. He then continued as if catching on to the fact I had no idea what to say. "We have to tell Ali about us when she wakes up. We can't hide this from her."

" Eric, we can't do that now, she's already unstable it'll be to traumatic for her right now. I think we should wait. " I looked and him and he smiled nodding and we sat hugging on the steps.

-Ïvane's POV-

I watched Dean remove my shorts and then my underwear and he smirked and looked up at me. I could feel my cheeks turn burgundy. Ignoring my embarrassment he began to kiss my thighs leaving small hickies as he moved up. As he moved up he stopped, and where he had kissed felt numb. Dean then took his thumb and slightly brushed my clit and my legs flinched slightly. Grinning to himself he began to lick my clit slowly, and then a bit fast then he'd slow done again. This only drove me insane as my body pleaded for him to just take me and stop teasing me. Obviously enjoying my frustration he began to flick his tongue increasing his speed and I could now feel my legs shaking uncontrollably. I buried his head between my legs and he nipped at my clit which caused me to climax on his tongue leaving my legs weak. Taking off his clothing we looked each other in the eyes as he positioned himself between my legs. He then held my shoulder pushing me down as he began to sheath himself inside of me. I could feel my walls tightening which caused him to groan a bit and he kissed my neck. Placing me on top, I began to grind on him, watching his facial expressions and smirking when I knew he liked it most. Just as we were about to speed up our rhythm there was a knock on the door ..

-Zanà's POV-

I wonder whats taking Eric and Aubrey this long. They've been gone for nearly an hour and I had no clue where they were. Worried I asked a nurse if she'd seen them after giving her a description she directed me to the fire escape and I thanked her and walked to the door. Opening it I stopped shocked at the sight. What the fuck? Why is Aubrey kissing Eric? Furious I looked at both of them who had now became aware of my presence and blurted out, "Somebody better tell me what the fuck is going on here."

Seeing that they both didn't make any effort to speak up, I stomped infront of them and stood there. "I said what the fuck is going on."

Eric stood up infront of me and Aubrey slightly tugged him back down. They both looked at each other and Eric sighed. "We've been seeing each other. Yesterday Ali caught us at school and that's why she left. That's how she got into the accident..." A tear rolled down my cheek and my throat got dry. How could they? How could they even still be doing this to her? Eric stood up but this time Aubrey didn't stop him. She didn't even dare look me in the face. "Zanà..." Looking at him I felt my hand connect to his face causing him to fall back onto the stairs and grip his cheek. "You two are fucking pathetic" And with that I walked away and stormed back to Ali's room, Eric trailing behind me.

-Ali's POV-

I opened my eyes and saw Eric sitting next to me staring out the hospital window. His right cheek was a tad swollen and red. "E... Whats wrong?" Turning his attention to me he smiled weakly and I could see guilt in his eyes. "Me and Aubrey are dating Ali. We have been for a while now. You found out the same day you got into an accident, but you don't remember anything.. Ali I'm soo sorry. I love you.". Staring at Eric I froze. I didn't know what to say. Did he just tell me he's seeing my bestfriend? And he still has the audacity to say that he loves me? "Get out." I said surprisingly. "Ali.. I'm sorry. I really am." No longer able to look at his face I stared at the ceiling. "How can you love me, but like my bestfriend Eric? Please go." Seeing that he opened his mouth to argue I placed my back towards him and stared at the meter. I heard footsteps and the door opening and closing. Almost immediately I burst into tears. I cannot believe this is happening to me.

Suddenly the door opened and I yelled go away, but I heard them chuckle and walk towards me. Turning over I grew terrified. "Hey babygirl" He said with a smirk on his face.

What the fuck was my dad doing here? .....

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