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-Ali's POV-
"Ali ali ali.. When I got a call about you being in the hospital I hoped you were dead. But nope. Here you are, living and breathing like the fucking scum you are." His breath reeked of alcohol. As usual. Being in his presence intimidated her. She was terrified of this man. He did nothing but make her life a living hell. "What do you want from me Phillip?" The room echoed with laughter and Ali cringed at the sound. "Phillip huh? That's not what you're supposed to call your old man princess," He replied stroking her cheek then slapping her. The sound echoed through out the entire room, almost as if it was bouncing the walls. Ali felt small. Almost as if she were a mere mouse and he were a hippo. The grin on his face was sickening. Turning her face she pressed the button signaling for a nurse to come in. Grabbing her face roughly he stared at her for a while. "Don't you fucking dare tell them shit little girl. I will kill you. That's a motherfucking promise too." As if he had known that the nurse would've came in he let go of her face as soon as he stepped through the door. A male nurse? Hm. Not bad looking either. "Yes how may I help you Ms. - " Scanning the sheet infront of him he finished "Ali." Smiling down at her and looking between her and her father she simply glanced at him not bothering to make eye contact with the man who had just slapped her. "My father here was just having issues leaving and I was wondering if you could escort him out of my room. I really would like to get some rest." With the sweetest smile on her face she turned to her father and said goodbye and then turned her back to face him and listened as he mumbled a few curses at her under his breath and then the door slamming.
Finally letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, a tear rolled down her cheek and she tried to choke back a sob as she turned to stare at the wall and almost jumped out of her skin. Sitting right next to her was the same male nurse from earlier. His hands were under his chin and his lips were pursed in thought. He couldn't have been older than 19. His dark hair was disheveled and his brown eyes were cold. His facial structure was to die for. His skin was almost flawless aside from the scar he had on the middle on his lip leading to his chin, but even with the scar his face was the most beautiful thing she had ever laid eyes on. "Guessing your not going to ask me my name. Rather rude but I'm Dean thanks for asking." Oh god. She hadn't even realized she had been staring. His voice had the slightest hint of humor in it and she laughed lightly. "With all due respect. I was trying to figure out why you were in my room and what you were so deep in thought about, Dean." Almost suddenly his face stiffened. "I saw and heard everything between you and your 'father' " He said using his index fingers to make air quotes. "I saw everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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