Chapter 6

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"Klaus I really miss you ." I whisper to myself. I hold my knees to my chest and hold myself together tight thinking I might fall apart if I let go. I look outside my window thinking he might come back. Make a surprise visit like he would usually do but he doesn't. I close the curtains and right when I am about to close them I feel a hand grab my arm.

"Don't close it yet love." Smiles Klaus

"You came back." I cheer and pull him in and jump into his arms and hug him tight not wanting to let go.

"I told you I would come back love." Whispers Klaus in my ear

"I know but from what I heard I though you would leave forever." I mumble. Klaus cups my face with both his hands and leans closer to me and gently kisses my lip as not wanting to hurt me. The kiss is soft but sweet and warm.

"I would never leave you love. Since I saw you I fell in love you have my lifeless life a purpose." Whispers Klaus

I smile "And I know a lot of people say you are a bad person but to me you have only shown kindness." I say

"Caroline, love will you be my girlfriend? " whispers Klaus in my ear

"Awww of course I will ." I cheer and hug him closer

Klaus covers my eyes and whispers no peeking. He swops me in his arms still covering my eyes. He finally lets them go and I look and see a box with a black bow on it. I open it and see the most beautiful gold charm bracelet I have ever seen. It has my initials on it . I get it and hold it out telling Klaus to put it on me.

"Thanks so much it's so beautiful." I whisper

"Not as beautiful as you love." Says Klaus

"You are the best boyfriend ever." I smile

"I try my best but love I have to go but I will be back soon ." Mumbles Klaus in my ear and kisses me softly.

I watch Klaus jump out my window and leave. I play with the charm bracelet in my hand. And go downstairs and hear a knock . I go and open the door and see Damon standing there with Stefan.

"We need to talk Caroline." Says Damon

"About ? " I whisper

"Invite us in first please ." Says Stefan

"Oh yeah almost forgot about that. Come on in." I mumble

"Klaus was here wasn't he." Says Damon and walks in the door and starts looking around the house and sits in a chair and Stefan sits beside him

"Yeah he was . Is there a problem ?" I whisper

"There is actually ." Says Damon

"Why?" I say

Damon gets up and slams his hands on the table "because he lies about everything. Why if I told you he was trying to charm you to get your best friend Elena . To get her blood." Yells Damon

"And I would tell you, you're lying ! He has never mentioned her !" I yell

"Oh you are 100% sure about that. He can erase your memory he is a original for a reason . " says Damon

"But why would he do that ." I cry

"Because he's a bad like I been saying ! And I don't want my little brothers girlfriend dying ." Says Damon

"I though she was with Matt ." I mumble

"She was but then she saw Stefan and fell for him they have that connection. But you and klaus don't." Says coldly Damon

" you are lying ! He would never use me like that ! " I yell

"But he already has ." Says Stefan

"How!" I cry

"He found out where Elena was and he tried to get her blood ." Says Stefan

"He just used me then ." I say and collapse in Stefan's arms

"He did but that's why we want you to help us take him down." Whispers damon

"But he's my boyfriend ." I mumble

"I though he wasn't . " demands Damon

"He asked me today ." I whisper and play with my charm bracelet

"You have to pick if you love him or you hate him ." Says Damon and walks out the door

"You will pick the right one ." Whispers Stefan in my ear and walks away with Damon

I sit there on the floor . Wondering what I should do . I feel my phone vibrate and see it's Klaus . He says he misses me already . I throw the phone the sofa. Crying not knowing what to believe. I grab my car keys and run to my car and start to drive not knowing where I am going but doesn't matter to me.

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