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  • Dedicated to Angel Mohommadu

My mom was a lovely woman .To everyone she seemed pretty nice . She was beautiful , Long red flowing hair , big green eyes with a speck of gold , and a perfect body everything anyone would want , or want to be . I thought about all of this as I looked at her . My face became twisted . I felt my sister Lila shaking me in a rapid way.

" Young get up and help me straighten up before daddy gets home! He will have a cow and a pig if you don't snap out of it ! Young ! Get up !"I quickly snapped back into real world and started cleaning !

I realized that my youngest sister Addlyn had started whining , of course about the smallest thing . Her toy had fallen between the Bright yellow 10 year old couch that my mother purchased just to anger my father . I only remember that night because that night my dad started hitting my mom. Started as in hasn't ended .

I grabbed the stinking toy ,but only because my mom was to busy mending to her mane , in the main bathroom . "Crap. He is here . "

Panic is what we did . We stuffed things in closets (already full of the other stuff we shoved in there a week before) . I heard him yelling ,but I didn't understand him because at that time Bacardi gold was talking,with a horrible slur . Bacardi was his best-friend , and GIN was him mistress .

He opened the door and rushed right over and gave mom a big kiss , (reminding you his breath smelled like a bar ) she pushed him away . Not that hard ,but due to him being a drunk a push felt like a strong force pulling him toward the hard tile floor . He regained his balance and stood. He snatched moms arm with a strong grip " Lily Jean if you so much as touch me as that way again, I will strike you with a force even your dead mama could feel, do you understand me! ". As my siblings and I watch my mom apologize while being beaten to a pulp . We felt hopeless . Like always, all we can do is cry, that's all mom would let us do. She would say "Darling one day if im stone cold , and as pale as a white light . Run , Run as fast as those skinny legs would take you. You Run, Young. Run ." I nodded my 6 year old head.
Ring ! It was the doorbell ..It was Jasmine . I had forgotten that I promised to walk to school with her ,because of all the craziness. I cracked the door just a little bit , with the fear of her seeing my moms bulging purple eye . I talked loud so she wouldn't hear my mom sobbing in the back ,because the pain was unbearable.

I quickly said goodbye to my siblings and kissed my mom. Jasmine and I started walking and talking about the year we meet , Kindergarten . I smiled a bit ,but not enough for Jasmine not to notice something was up with me. I smiled and said nothing im not feeling very well. Technically it wasn't a lie . I was feeling sick . How would else am I suppose to feel when I just watched my mom slapped around by my father.

We arrived at school , Mcgleenon High-school . And there he was . Ricky Vandelvu . He was talking to Jennifer Morales , at least he was ?" Oh My God he is coming this was ! Do not be weird!" Jasmine whispered . " Hey Young ! I was wondering ? " I broke out in a weird sweat . This is the moment when Ricky Vandelvu noticed me. Talked to me.Loved me . "Did you do Mrs. Claasky's homework? 4th period? Could you do it for me I know its due Wednesday,but... " I was in an alternate universe . "Sure , anything Rick..." I cant believe I thought that he would ask me out . "Thanks , Young !" He said while patting me on the back and walking away to go talk to Daliyah Burke . " at least this time he knew your name . Its ok , He's to dumb for you anyways . " Jasmine said while hopelessly attempting to cheer me up . My heart could not take anymore today. I zoomed through the day ,while thinking of Ricky Vandelvu would probably talk to me again, just the thought of that made me blush

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