Who Gives You A Birthday Gift And What They Give You

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Credit to Luna33Chanel for the idea!

Aries: Sally - A tea party set

Taurus: Slenderman - Paperwork XD

Capricorn: Laughing Jack - Candy

Virgo: Kagekao - A bottle of wine

Gemini: Zero - Black and white scarf

Leo: Masky (it autocorrected to Husky XD) - Cheesecake

Cancer: BEN Drowned - A copy of Majora's Mask

Aquarius: Eyeless Jack - Kidneys

Pisces: Hoodie - Cheesecake

Libra: Max 0004 - A copy of his DVD

Scorpio: Scissor Mouth - Scissors

Sagittarius: Jeff the Killer - A knife (-.-')

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