The Fight

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We went to the place where Lucifer has been last located. It was a plain field, this wide open area of grass with no trees or hills. It was like a battlefield, already worn down from soldiers but there were none. Lucifer decided to stand there, looking up at the sky with no worry or care in the world. We left the car on the side of the road and slowly approached, Bane unsheathed and Hunter at the ready we were ready for a fight. I gave him some armor I crafted for him while the Gods were making him an immortal. As we closed in Lucifer slowly turned around and smiled, he had taken another "vessel" and this time it was a man. Looked like the boy but in 10-15 years from now. Hunter pulled out Riptide and clicked it. Lucifer mumbled something and then said "I warned you Jackson. Your little teammate over there doesn't know anything yet. You'll perish like the rest of this world and you, Hunter will watch. I will chain you up to the clouds as you see everyone burn!" And he slips a blade out of his sleeve. It looked unnatural but yet almost familiar almost similar to a blade I saw in Tartarus. Lucifer came at me with burst of energy, luckily I countered it and threw him to the ground. Hunter went for the stab but Lucifer rolled out of the way. Lucifer went for a quick slash but missed, and right then and there Hunter stabbed him right in the side. Lucifer fell to one knee and screamed in agony. With the skills I taught him Hunter slashed Lucifer's left knee. Falling to two knees Lucifer sat there, beaten too fast for what I had learned and what I had experienced. With me coming in I took the wings off, and then I took Lucifer's  head off, a bright light started to leave the vessel, showing that Lucifer had died. Somehow this was easier than I had expected but I didn't get my hopes up. Hunter was sheathing Riptide and breathing heavily "jee, this was easy but harder than I thought." A few moments after he said that the ground shook, the clouds went grey and blocked out the sun. Hunter collapsed to the ground and I ran to him, checked for a pulse. There was no pulse. The wind began to pick up and a man stood behind me, this time in a black suit and tie, blue glowing eyes. The winds stopped, the sun began to shine again. The man took a step forward, seemed to have a cautious look behind me. I took Bane, got ready but the man said "you don't need to attack me. I am more friendly than my brother over there, it seems it didn't end well for him" then Hunter got up, eyes as red as blood, silver pupils. He had wings as black as night. He seemed afraid but yet normal, as if he didn't know what was going on. He levitated off the ground, arms stretched out wide, his head hung low, wings spread out still. He seemed to have horns coming out of his head. A loud cackle thundered from Hunters mouth and his head raised suddenly.  A smirk came across his face, fangs showing. He had became the new devil, and with that power he stood. Wings went away. His eyes turned into a blue flame and his horns were pitch black with  blue flame surrounding. In total shock Perseus stood there as well as the stranger, claiming to be the brother of the devil which Perseus didn't want to believe until a deep booming voice said "it's been a long time brother, it's good to see you again" the stranger turned towards Hunter, narrowing his eyes then in total shock said "how did you survive that? It's should've died from the blow of an angel blade." Hunter laughed a booming laugh, then looked at me, then the stranger again "The boy made a deal with me Michael, his soul belongs to me while his body, mind and will are at my control and it has been this way for a long long time" Perseus felt fury within the sadness. Training the boy that had lied to him, said that he would do his best to protect him from something he already fell for...greed. In Perseus' mind it has become a major issue in which he doesn't have a solution to.

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