Your Hair Smells Good

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*****Avery's POV*****

While we just sat in a circle laughing about stories from our first day of school, Luke came out with messy hair and sleepy eyes.

"Hey! Keep it down. I have to go to work tomorrow."

Carter just scoffed. "Like you actually care about work."

"As a matter of fact I do. I work at Hollister. Where hot girls go," he smirked, averting his eyes over to me then winking.

At that I just giggled? "Well thank you."

Carter gave me a pointed look as Luke and I just laughed.

"Avery gave me a little visit at work last week."

"Wait what? But you were with me all last week."

"Actually I went to the mall last week and thought'd I'd go to Hollister, only to find Luke there. He gave me a discount."

"Well-" he started.

"Oh will you just stop being jealous they're just messing with you." Dillon interrupted, saying it really fast.

We all ended laughing at his outburst, except for Carter who just sat there pouting.

"It's a school night I should probably go to bed." He mumbled.

"Ok dude, we'll see you tomorrow." Kyle commented.

Carter went upstairs to his room and Luke went back to sleep while I said bye to everyone else.

I gathered my now dry clothes from the bathroom and went upstairs up to Carter's room.

I was about to climb out the window when I felt a had wrap around my wrist. My head whipped back to see Carter standing there, his eyes were saying "please don't leave."

I came down from the window and faced him.

"Do you mind sleeping here tonight?" He asked with such a small voice.

"Of course I don't mind. But you better not wake me up late for school. I already skipped a period on the first day of school."

He just chuckled and grabbed his phone, probably to set an alarm.

I climbed onto his bed getting comfy. I soon felt him climb in with me and draped his arm around my waist while our legs intertwined. Since he was so much taller than me, his chin rested right on top of my head. It was quite comforting.

There was silence, and I almost fell asleep until Carter randomly blurted "Your hair smells good."

I started chuckling. "What? That was so random."

"Sorry but it's true."

"Well, thanks I guess."

I turned around so I was facing him and just stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

"C-can I kiss you?" He asked with a soft voice.

My hands flew up to his neck and I leaned forward, pressing our lips together in response.

It only took him a few seconds to realized what just happened until he kissed back.

His hands tightened around my waist and pulled me closer, which I found surprising considering how close we already were.

I finally drew away and smiled against his lips. I could feel him smiling back, which made my heart flutter.

"Did you know you were my first kiss?" Carter admitted.

"Really? I was Mr. Bad Boy's first kiss? I find that surprising."

"Girls would always try to get my attention but I wouldn't really show any interest. But you weren't really in to me when I first met you, and I really liked that."

His fingers traced the outline of my face, which made my breathing a little unsteady.

He leaned in again and lightly brushed his soft lips against mine once again.




It's been a week since the first day of school, and let me tell you I already hate it.

I tried to shove my way through the small hallway to get to my locker and find my Chemistry book.

I finally grabbed it and slammed my locker, only to find someone standing right behind it. How cliché.

To be honest I thought it was Carter, but it was an unfamiliar face.

He had dirty blonde hair, which was deliberately messy and tousled. His eyes were a hazel green and let me tell you, his face was pleasant to look at.

"Hey you're Avery, right?" He asked. His voice was also pleasant to listen to.

"Yes I am, and you are?" I smiled.

"My name is Zack, and I've been watching you for a couple days now, and may I say you are very beautiful."

I blushed, my face turning as red as a tomato. "Well thank you. You know what? I think I recognize you. You're in my History class."

He smiled and chuckled. His smile was amazing. "Yeah, you remember me."

Before he can say something else I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I turn around to find Carter standing right behind me, staring at Zack.

"Hey Carter, I just met Zack, he's very sweet."

"Yeah, until you get to really know him." He said, still looking at Zack.

"What's going in Carter?"

"Nothing, I'm sure he's just being protective over his girl." Zack told me.

"His girl? How would you know anything about us?" I asked, very confused.

"Oh please, everyone is talking about you two already." He said it like it was a normal daily thing to say.

"Well then I'm sure you know to stay away from her, now don't you Zack?"

"Carter, don't be rude, he was just being nice because I'm new."

"No, no, it's okay. I'll see you in History Avery." He waved and left.

I turned around and gave Carter a look.

"What? That man whore was flirting with you. He's the biggest flirt in our grade. Trust me I've known him since 5th grade."

"Well you didn't have to be so rude, I mean I understand why I have to stay away from Ryan but what did Zack ever do to you? And what if he just wanted to be my friend?"

"Avery, guys don't want to be 'just friends' with you. I mean look at you you're gorgeous, smart, funny..."

"Thanks Carter, but even if they don't want to be just friends, then I'll make sure it stays that way." I inform him, right before hugging him.

He leans down and whispers into my ear, "Good, cause you're mine, only mine," and walks away to his next class just leaving me standing there with wide eyes.


Yay update!


I'm actually happy at how this turned out! And summer's almost over guys I'm crying.

Anyways thank you to everyone who commented and voted!

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