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"Scarlett, get your lazy ass up." 

Kaleb's voice is the first thing i hear when i fade back into reality, from a slumber, that in fact, i was really enjoying.

"Mrmmrmh," I stretch out my arms and look around to see that i'm still in the same recliner, in the same sweaty clothes, and i have yet to get ready for this excuse for a party, that's got my only friend in a twist.

Kaleb has a "i'm-so-pissed-at-you-because-you-aren't-ready-and-there's-a-party-that-i-may-meet-the-man-of-my-dreams-at-in-like-two-hours-and-you're-going" look one his face with a hint of a "i-m-going-to-personally-drag-you-into-the-backyard-and-spray-you-with-a-hose-because-you-smell-of-sweat-and-law-breaking" also.

"You're such a mess." He says and actually shakes his head at me. The nerve.

"I'm up, aren't i? I'll shower and get ready quickly. You'll make it there with tons of time to scavenge for Mr. Non-existent." I say and put air quotes over that last bit.

He just sends me the third non-threatening death glare of the night and i bow and wink back at him as i push myself out of the comfy chair that i want nothing more than to stay in.

"Just hurry, i want to get there early, find a good parking spot." 

At this i laugh, "A parking spot? What are we going to? It's a party Kaleb, not the rush hour at Applebee's. You just park on the street."

He makes the annoying "psh" sound that he knows that i hate, and runs to me, grabbing me by the shoulders.

"Exactly S. The street. You wanna walk a mile to get there from our parking spot?" I sigh and shake my head wearily. "Good, then go get ready, hurry, hurry, i'll be in the kitchen, want anything?" He asks while turning to the kitchen door.

"Pizza bites, three cheese, and an iced tea please, K." I smile and watch him throw up a thumb into the air behind him as he walks into the kitchen. Hopefully to make my food, and not to just daydream, which is bound to happen.

I begin to walk to the bathroom, as i hear a holler from the kitchen down the hall.

"I shouldn't have to make you iced tea, when you stole an Arizona." I can already see his annoying smirk that's burned in the back of my mind.

I grin, "Oops i grabbed the watermelon one, so you should still make me that iced tea. Thanks K, love ya!" And with those sarcastic words, i lock myself in his completely sea themed bathroom.

Kaleb is in college. I met him at some bookstore two towns down, in the summer of '12. I was only 13 at the time, and he was 15. Man was i excited when i met him. 

He's so damn attractive and so damn sweet. But having a best friend that i can talk shit about guys with, is better than a boyfriend i'll have a disaster of a breakup with eventually, so i was kind of glad when he came out to me.

It's difficult though, for him i mean. He's got this way of being so strong around people, but deep down i know how it hurts when someone calls him a "fag" or "homo". 

But luckily nobody has when i'm around, because if someone even dared to be so narrow-minded and down-right homophobic when i was with him, i swear i'd be in jail. For murder.

I set down my bag that i have yet to clean out in around three months. I'm scared to even dig to the bottom of it. 

In K's little penthouse bathroom, there's an entire shelf of my things. Mainly because i live here. 

Okay, i don't actually "live" here. But i'm here more than i am at my real house, so i just say i live here. 

I decide i probably should shower, considering i'm sweaty, and my hair's in major need of a wash.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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