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Connor Sweet has been shot August 10th, 2018. Without notice someone broke into his house and killed him. He is now in a safe place... This is Kitkat SpiffyKitKat24 and I will continue to run this acc and will go by the schedule set for each book update until the books are done. I'm five months this account will be inactive.
Thank you for your help on AJR_Dragon.

~ Kitkat,

CONNOR SWEET: September 7th, 2007 - August 10th, 2018...

SpiffyKitKat24 yesgrasstomorrow cringedun AnnaMarieSnowflood ChloeDaBeast SnakeLlama ImagineDragons125 @dashalicous@ jiminie_is_bae chalametchalamet storiesandthangs hellohowisyou ThatOneKidCalledRick FullOnTrash ThatOneKidCalledRick Fr3nch_Cat 8623916m

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