Twenty One and Counting

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I was lying in my bed half asleep when I hear my family coming up the stairs singing 'Happy Birthday'. They burst through my door with a giant cake and continue singing. It was 9 a.m.

        "Happy Birthday Kristine! Happy Birthday Kristine!" My Mom, Dad, and Brother Kyle yell.

        "I was definately hoping to sleep in today, but I guess I can cross that off my list." I say irritated.

        "Blow out the candles honey! It's your 21st birthday!" My mom encourages me. I give her a silly look and turn my attention to the cake. I make a brief wish and use my breath to extinguish the flames.

She says it's my 21st birthday as if I wasn't aware.

        "Thanks guys. This is really nice." I stick my finger into the icing, licking it off. Mmmm, buttercream.

        "So why don't you hop in the shower and get dressed for a day of birthday fun? Today is all about you!" My father asks.

        "Dad, I can't. I have to go to work today. I'm sorry." I apoligize.

        "What? You can't work on your birthday!" I dad says.

        "Either way I still have to go shower and get dressed, but I don't have to go in until 12:00pm." I explain. He drops the issue and leaves my room. My mom says she'll bring the cake downstairs, and Kyle walked behind her. Slowly, but surely I rise from my mattress. My muscles were sore from the night before, but I suck it up and make my way to the bathroom. The hot water drew the pain from my body and I relaxed. I remained in the bathtub for a good 45 minutes just thinking about life. Time has flown by and life seemed to be going faster each day. It seemed like it was yesterday when I turned 16 or when Kyle advanced from elementary school. My alarm clock went off at 10:00 telling me that I had to get out of the bathtub. I drain the water and change into my work clothes. A simple pair a khaki pants, a polo with my jobs logo on it, and a pair of black Vans sneaers. I didn't bother putting on sweats or another set of pajamas because I would have to end up changing again.

        I'm lacing up my sneakers as my room fills with the aroma of every breakfast item under the sun.

        "Mom's cooking her big breakfast feasts again." I think to myself. On a regular basis, she never goes extravagant with breakfast. Only when it was a special occasion or holiday.

        "KRISTINE, BREAKFAST IS READY!" My mom yells from downstairs. Not to lie, I got really excited for todays breakfast extravaganza and hurried downstairs with my backpack. I check my phone on the way down. One of my best friends Jenn sent me a text reading,

        "Happy Birthday Girl! I've got something planned for you at work. Today is gonna be a special day! -xoxo Jenn" The text made me smile, filling me with warmth and happiness."

        The kitchen was flooded with platters of all kinds of breakfast items. Sausages, pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, fresh fruits from Edible Arrangements, biscuits, and french toast. The smell of the smoked meats made my mouth salivate. The fruit basket was very beautiful and vibrant in color. I almost felt guilty when we started picking grapes and chocolate covered strawberries off of it.

         "Okay everyone, dig in! This special birthday breakfast is brought to you by Mom. I'll be here all week." She chuckles and jokes. Grabbing the biggest plate I could find, I start picking up every single thing from each platter in abundance. I put some away in a Tupperware container for lunch later, including a heaping slice of cake. 

        I sit with my family at the dining room table and being to unleash on the feast in front of me. Time, once again was flying by, and I had to make a mad-dash before I was late to work. I blow a kiss to my Mom, hug my Dad, and playfully shove Kyle before I leave. I get in my car as my phone rings, Jenn is over the phone singing Happy Birthday.

        "Thanks Jenn. I'm on my way. I'll be there in about 10 minutes." I say and hang up. Jenn has been a very good friend of mines since the 5th grade. We did almost everything together. Sleepovers, shopping sprees, and vacations together. I can't imagine life without her. I pull up in the parking lot of 'The Paw Place'.

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