Here are all the songs from Why Don't We.
And I know some of you might wanna have lyrics to the songs, so you can sings to but it is difficult when every time to wanna sing you have to GOOGLE it.
So, I decided to have a Wattpad to make your life easier since Wattpad books are available offline and mostly everyone is starting to have a Wattpad account.
So why not?
Plsss comment if there is some wrong lyrics.
And don't forget to follow them. They hv Wattpad
account too1. officialwhydontwe
2. seaveydanielofficial
3. JonahMaraisOfficial
4. CorbynBessonOffic
5. jackaverymusicoffic
6. imzachherronofficial
AcakWHY DON'T WE is a boy band. The band consists of 5 boys : 1. Zach Herron 2. Daniel Seavey 3. Jack Avery 4. Corbyn Besson 5. Jonah Marais Here are all of their band songs .