Mindless: Chapter One

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My fingers drum against the steering wheel as I make a left turn. 

Whistling along with the song softly I let my gaze wonder outside as I see a mother chasing after her young ones to an old couple holding hands walking down the street.

(Hania-Two's a party is the song if you choose to listen to it)

"Two's a party but three is a crowd," I let my voice ring out, finding myself lost in the music, " my daddy told me three's not allowed." 

Nodding my head in tune with the beat, I notice a buzzing in my pocket. Turning the music down a bit, I take my phone out of my pocket and glance at the caller id. 

Laughing I answer my phone with a, "Why hello, hello stranger." 

Turning my left blinker on, I make another left as I head downtown. 

"What? No, I'm not on the phone while driving. Only losers do that." I scoff in response. What she doesn't know won't kill her. "Yes, I'm almost there I swear, no honestly." 

I bring my old, beat up grand am to a stop at the stoplights.

"Got what? I thought you got it? Emmy..." I wine out throwing my head back to rest against the headrest. "No, no stay there I'll get it. Yeah I'm sure, no seriously I got it." Sighing silently I can't help but to suppress a small smile. 

"You better cover my butt for this. Harhar your funny, I'll see you in a bit. Love you." ending the call, I throw my phone to the passenger seat. "Here we go Alice." 

As the light turned a soft forest green I waited for the first couple of cars to go by as I whipped an illegal U turn. Glancing in my side mirror I give a silent goodbye to my destination as I head all the way across town once more. 

At first I thought I imagined it, but the red and blue lights where deffinatly there behind me.

"Shit." Pulling my car to the curb I silently pray to myself that it isn't Greg as I grab out my license. 

A soft knock pounded on my window as I looked up and grimaced in response.

The wirling sound of my window going down passed through the silent air.

"Hello Alice," His white teeth stood brightly out from his face.

"Hey Greg." Giving him what I hoped to be a smile.

"So do you know why I stopped you today?" Leaning forward he rests a hand on my door as his eyes search mine.

"Well let me think that question over will ya?" I turn my head to the front of my car as I pretend to think, turning back around I face him again, "No I absolutely have no idea. But I know you are going to tell me anyways."

He eludes a soft chuckle from his chest, making his smile even more brighter then it already was, "Well Alice, you did an illegal U turn. At the stoplights about a block back, you would've gotten away with it but I was about two cars back from yours." 

"Oh haha silly me," I surpress a laugh from my chest, "Listen can we hurry this thing up, I sorta have to run down to the store to get something for my sister." 

If it was possible I thought I saw his eyes turn a darker shade of gray. 

"Well Alice this isn't just a 'thing' it's called a ticket. I'll have to see about hurrying up too, it can be a long process this 'ticket' thing." Taking my license and registration from my hand he stalks off to his police car behind me. 

Staring at my side mirror I watch Greg as he punches in the report. His face holding lines, making him seem older.

"What the hell got into his shorts?" As if an cue he lifts up his gaze to mine in the side mirror. Blushing I turn away, horrified that I had e caught looking at him. Horrified that he might read something a little more into it then it intently was. 

Not even twenty minutes later he's strides back to my car, holding out my papers through my open window.

"Here you go." Taking my papers from his hand I reply a stiff 'Thank you' longing to get away from him.

"Listen, I'm sorry for snapping at you. Things just have been rough the pas- past couple of months."  Sighing deeply I bring my gaze up back to his a put a smile on my face, "Don't worry it's fine." 

"No, no it's not okay. Let me make it up to you, dinner tomorrow night at 7?" 

"Greg there is-"

"Yes, there is. Please just spare me this one night."

Oh how I wanted to say 'no' but what came out of my mouth instead was, "Alright fine."  

A smile broke out on his face, "Good good, I'll message you with the details." patting my car door, he mutters a 'Goodbye' before walking back over to his car.

"Ugh, why Alice why?" I question myself as I drive away quickly, "What did I get myself into now?" 

Putting my right blinker on, I make a quick right to head towards the store.

Turning the music back on, I nod my head and sing along with the lyrics. 

(Hania- Goddess is the song, if you choose to listen to it)

"So I was born, I didn't cry, I didn't scream, just knew that I had just been free, there was a man" As I continued on singing I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings. 

Especially the car following me.

And the man inside it.

Indeed there was a man. 


So this is the official first chapter! :D Sorry it took me forever to post it up, I had issues with my Internet connection. 

This is the unedited version as will be throughout my whole story. So I'm sorry for any mistakes or spelling errors.

Let me know what you think! :)

I can deff say I'm pumped up for the next chapter.

I will be posting new chapters each Saturday so be sure to check back in for a new adventure :)



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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