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Ding! Dong!

Haah! I stretched my stiff arms! Finally the bell rung! I was already getting tired of this school life! Aah! How am I going to pass six damn months in this prison!

I got up and swiftly left the classroom, Please I have had enough of those ridiculous questions to last a lifetime!

Can't understand, dear reader! Then let me iluminate you on why I ws so fed up,

It's precisely because the so called classmates of mine weren't like I presumed to be at all!

I had expected them to be distant, jealous, arrogant or something along this negative pathway of emotions but Nooo! They just had to be those happy go lucky idiots that they can't even get this in their tiny heads that I am not interested in them!

I mean it's not like cause they are older but precisely because they are older.......Okay, what I mean is that they should act their age and I won't mind conversing with them but they are all just too childish!

"Hey, Hey! Phantomhive-kun? Do you have a girlfriend?"

No, A fiance.

"So you play X-box, right? What kind of games? Personally, I prefer GTA and Call-of-Duty."

No, I rather prefer real life.

''Hey, are you even lis...''

Yup! You got it! I was doing my best to ignore them.


I glanced back to see the blonde-head walk outside the class,

"Haah! It was stifling with him there!''

''It would be better if he just left the school already!''

I glanced towards the girls and boys for a bit, confused,

Something's wrong...

I shook my head and went out, without so much as a glance back.

I walked towards a rather sturdy mahogany door and walked straight in, too irritated to even knock..

''Young Master, you should have knocked, what if someone was with me?"

There stood Sebastian in his black business suit and black rimmed glasses, looking every bit the noble teacher this kind of school has.

Hmm....thoses glasses remind me of someone.....Oh! Aren't they the same as that stiff grim reaper, Something-Something Spears...I think.

It was a simple councelers room....Yes, Sebastian Michaelis, a demon, is the guidance councelor here. Anyway, it had a simple desk, seat, a sofa on the side, a bookshelf, and aything you might think is in a councellors office.

''Then you would have handled it.''

I waved him off and sat on the comfy sofa.


Sebastian sighed and started serving me my lunch, a simple one since I am in no mood for extravancy, a sandwich, juice, salad, and fruits.

As I bit on my sandwich, I asked,''So did you get everything?''

''Yes, Young Master''

And as he said that he passed a file to me, It had a picture of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed young man.....isn't he......interesting.

Next to it, in bold letters, a name was written, Lucas.

I set the file aside as a smile crept up my face,

''This one might be a bit more interesting.''


Sebastian stood infront of me as I finished my lunch and then Sebastian took the tray of plates and stashed them somewhere...

I extended out my hand.

''Yes Yes, Young Master''

And so Sebastian passed me my chocolate ganache and cafe au lait.....Yup, not extravagant at all.

As I ate my delicious desert, Sebastian asked with a smirk,

''By the way, Young Master, How was your day?''


''I hope you can keep up with the professors, I really don't want to teach you again."


''Are you coping well with your classmates? I know they might be older but do try and get along.''


''I sincerely hope that you don't get bullied because of your nasty temper and tiny stature.''


''SHUT UP! I am not tiny! I am still going to grow! Besides, it's not like any of those childish baboons can bully me! I can beat them up WITHOUT your help!''

His smirk disappeared.

YES!! It is true! I decided to learn karate for self-defense a year ago and I am already a black belt!

''Yes, Young Master, I am sure you non-existent growth spurt is right around the corner.''


I shouted but when I looked at his face...........

Was he actually serious about that?!

Author's note:


So it's been awhile! I will apologize first! I am sorry!

I mean it is really hard to find the time to write with all the burden from college, and with a severe writer's block!

I somehow managed to post this chapter,tell me how you guys feel about it, I had a bit of a break from tests, miraculously, so I thought that I shouldn't waste it. 

I still have two more tests after a week though...sob.

So I might post a chapter of An Assassin's Future, I do hope so...but after that I will post during the summer and stay away from wattpad for a while since my finals are coming in almost four months and I am not at all prepared. As soon as my tests finis, I'll celebrate by posting continuous chapters of both my stories.

I plan on completing Ciel at School??? this summer so just wait!

Please comment, vote and share! Helps motivate meduring little breaks I have! ;)

Thank you for reading!


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