James Clarke

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Chapter 3

James Clarke

                I know what I have become. I have become a monster that preys on the innocent for the hunger of their blood. I am the predator that hunts after the innocent prey. My kind is different from the human nature. We are not living beings that breathe or that feel what humans feel. We only want blood. We only want the feel of it flowing warmly down our throats, and the urge for more when it is over.

I know what happened that day nine years ago. I know what my brother did, and I know that he does not regret his actions. But I regret them. I regret stopping him, from telling him no. I wish that I had the strength nine years ago, to end him from doing any harm to that family. I remember hearing the screams of the woman, who was so young, and not yet ready to die. I remember seeing the boy, look at his mother’s dead body. But from where I was standing, I could see that the young mother was saying her last words to her young son who looked to be the age of thirteen.  I could not read her lips perfectly, but I could see that her words were determined and hard.

I saw the boy as he cried for his mother and father, hoping that this incident was all a dream. But it was not. As I stared at the boy, he suddenly turned his eyes upon me. I saw him look into my eyes, with his soaked with tears. I had noticed that my brother Elijah was long gone and I was left alone, staring into the wet eyes of the young boy.

I stared into his eyes for one more long moment and I ran off into the trees. I will always remember the sad sorrowed look on his face. He looked not only of despair, but also determination and anger. I only hope that the boy will not try and gain revenge for my brother’s actions. But if he shall, he shall, and I will be there to see the end of a brother I dearly love, but dearly hate as well.

I have not seen my brother since the incident but I know that he is hiding. Hiding from what might kill him, hiding because he is scared.  But know this: Vampires can be killed. And killed each one shall be, saving my dear brother for last. That is his prophecy, to save mankind, but to end my sinful kind.

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