Chapter 6

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AN: hey, guess who is alive! Sorry for the long, long, long wait through the entire summer! I have many things that I do and have hardly any excuse for this writer's-block. But I hope that with this chapter, you guys can understand being local writers yourself.


"YOU READY FOR THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE AGAINST ME IDIOT!?!" The rawring from the tall male with empowering words, very strong in fact made the fairly short female next to him look ahead sternly. "I am ready Baka-go!"
"I AM READY BAKA-GO!!" This made the female shut her eyes with a will to try to screech her frustration out the the male.

"You ready to learn the difference between an determined attack and a unhearted attack?!" Katsuki was then staring straight at (y/n) with determination to fix her ways. "Yes Baka-sir!" This made her look back at the male with a toothy smile. "Then give me your best fight without giving up, knowing that this is to save one of the poor dragons I will us as bate!"
"The poor dragon looks sad! Give me the poor harmed baby so I feel determined Baka-sir!!"
"Fight mae!"
"Yes, let the feels flow through!"

Soon after the awkward moment between the two looking at each other with Kirishima flying in the middle as a bate for (y/ n); the fight commenced! Katsuki with his strength empowering wooden sword was causing (y/ n) to falter with many defensive tactics. Soon enough though Kirishima yield out the her with a frightened sound effect: "Save me miss (y/ n)! I have no way of being saved from this wretched monster! Please don't kill me later sir!!"

"The poor Kiri-baby is calling for me! I shall defeat your evil ways Baka-go!!" This gave (y/ n) more strength knowing that she was fighting for a good cause. This pushed Katsuki back a bit, but not enough. "Come on idiot! Got more angry! I want to have a fair fight!!!! THE WEAK HAVE NO PLACE TO BE HERE!! SHOW ME THAT POWER!"

Soon enough, that gave (y/ n) determination unlike any other she has felt if a long time. She was being encouraged to fight like a man, she was being told that being a lady ment nothing on the battlefield. "I must SAVE THE BABY!!!!!"

After awhile of (y/ n) becoming stronger with every second of being told she can do it, the swords cracked into two pieces. This left the two to be holding the handle with a sharper stabbing joint on the end. "I broke the swords!!! I LOST THE MATCH FOR GODS SAKE!!!!" This left the two to look angry at each other till Kirishima flew into the middle. "Did I get saved or no?"

Katsuki smirked at the red dragon, "that depends.... Did you want to be with me or the idiot here?" The smirk turned sadistic looking. "Cause if you wanted the idiot over here, then you have another thing looking for you!"

"But this isn't fair if you threaten him!" (Y/ n) wined at the sadistic Katsuki dropping the broken wood onto the floor. "Besides, if anything...." her face turned into a smirk at the point, "I'm the one who got a hold of him first!" (Y/ n) dashed for the dragon holding him in her arms rubbing faces. "I love dragons too much!"

This gave Kirishima a steamed look to his face. "P-princess! Sir help me! She be crazy with love!" This gave Katsuki a chance to attack while she was defenseless. He dropped the wood and dashed to the female hugging the dragon to death. As if time slowed the attack became a capture instead.

Katsuki dashed to the female who was about a feet away from him. Soon enough he was right in front of (y/ n) scaring her to let go of Kirishima sending him to fly away. Soon enough Katsuki pushed the (h/ c) colored hair child to fall backwards with no attempt of getting free. The plan worked perfectly in regards to Katsuki till he realized the position he would get themselves into. There they lay with Katsuki stratling the poor (y/ n) in a embarrassing position.

"Katsuki!!! Got off! It's sooooo embarrassing..." (y/ n) wined looking like a tomato trying to push the male off while hiding her face. This made Katsuki smirk for the second time today, "what? Is it the view? Is it the way your heart beats? Is it me? Tell me..." he went down to her left ear and whispered softly "id~~ I ot~~~" pronouncing the words carefully with a ringing sound.

This sent (y/ n) aflamed and left her motionless mumbling nonsense. "My head.... the..... but.....too close..... awwh....." This send Katsuki into a fit of laughter still on top of her.

"Did they forget that I'm here too? Should I just go before I send the two to stop their moment?.... if I can call it a moment." With that Kirishima flew away to his safe haven away from the two crazy beings.

"Got off Katsuki, please... My head and heart can't handle embarrassment this strong! Help..." (y/n) squealed with plea to be free from his seducing self. This only made her feel more confused with how she felt for the Prince.

"But if getting off of you means you getting away and running away into your bidding state, then I'd rather keep you here with nothing to stop this feeling I've enveloped for you (y/ n)." This made the hot head become embarrassing himself. This sent the female to look into his eyes for a truth she could not find within herself, but with himself.

If this is what love feels like, I don't want to be rid from an excasy that could be everlasting for a lifetime. I want to know what he feels, I want to know if this is the true reality and not a dream to wake to; or a nightmare to be abandoned with. I want this to be the happy ending with the story my mom always gave of the Prince keeping the fair maiden to all eternity. If this is what Katsuki, my love to have... Then I shall stick forever by his side for the rest of time.

If this is what my Destiny would leave me with. Then why change such a happy ending with the tragic long sad road trip to the horrid one.

He's my idiot, as I his idiot.

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