Chapter 9

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As Vasya and I walked out of my room Kirishima was holding his hand about to knock on my door, he seemed troubled from the thuding and clashing of objects. "Umm, (y/ n) they are at it again. They seem--" the clashes seemed to get louder and yelling was heard clearly. I ran to the sounds considering nothing else would make the sounds the two pubic males would be making at this time. "YOU CANT TAKE (y/ n), SHES TOO INNOCENT TOO SEE YOUR HORRID KINGDOM!!!" Katsuki seemed angry, more than normal. Yelling soon turned into grunts of agony from both party's. In the long while of chasing the sounds we could see Katsuki on the food table holding a chair, Todoroki on the floor with a chair in both hands.

"Can you too shut up and make your mind?! Oh my gracious! I've never had to deal with children this troublesome." The males turned my way as Kirishima ran up to Katsuki and told him to get down calmly as Vasya ran to Todoroki with a scared expression on her face. "Now that both of you have your chairs on the floor can you Katsuki not be on the table, it's a bad way a Prince should be conveying himself to another Prince. Or should I call the both of you children based on your attitudes today as childish? Maybe you are all baby's and I never knew about this arrangement." Katsuki still held a danger expression muttering a few words here and there. Todoroki seemed unfazed about this entire conversation and sat down at one of the chairs he had just placed down. Katsuki followed suit and folded his arms against his bear skin and seemed to pout.

"Vasya you want to add anything to this arrangement before I tell them what I propose as a lady?" She turned around and smiled sheepishly, the answer was a no: "I'm good (y/ n)." I noded and continued with being the adult. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here. But that doesn't mean I'm going to marry Katsuki, I'm just not ready. Todoroki, I'm sorry that you came all those days to meet me; you can stay here for afew days till everything is fixed and correct.

Neither of the males where pleased, "you will be safer in a castle than in the mountains with dragons. I can take proper care of you." Todoroki seemed annoyed by everything that happened but still tried to be calm. Katsuki being angry all the time didn't say anything and frowned, he wasn't pleased by my statement that they could stay. Kirishima looked towards me and gave a weird loom that told me everything: 'Katsuki and the Prince don't go together. Their like fire and water.' At least that's what I got from his look. Katsuki stood from his seat and walked towards me, "how dare you give him permission to stay here without my consent!" He was enraged as I took a few steps back kind of scared of is entitlement, his strong desire to win this battle was scaring me.

This reminded me of my father, telling me what to do while I just sat there saying yes to everything he said, I slowly stood my ground. "Katsuki! You can't make me stay here and not have any rights of my own!! THIS PLACE IS PRACTICALLY MY HOME NOW AND YOU CANT JUST PUSH PEOPLE AWAY AND BE ANGRY AT THEM BECAUSE THEY DID BAD THINGS!!!!" He took aback by what I said and just looked at me face, he seemed to loosen his face expression in the process. Not even knowing it I felt a tear roll down my face, more tears started to roll down. I'm not crying... am I? No sound was coming out my mouth so why am I crying? Soon enough I heard a slight sigh and Katsuki turning around talking to Prince Todoroki and Vasya. Words didn't make sense anymore as Katsuki spoke to them, all I know is that it was calm. He was calm and all I did was cry, I don't even now how! By this point I was angry at myself for doing this, for crying, for even yelling at them. I started to make small whimpering sounds as I pulled my sagging hands to my face to hide my childish demure. I AM ashamed at myself! All I can do is put up a strong wall as everything crumbles down, all I did was make everything worse!

Soon enough I felt myself being lifted up off the ground as I yelled at the person while whimpering: "LET GO!" or "IM SORRY!" Some times I would kick or punch them, at this point I understood what was happening; I was remembering my horrid memories from when I stood up to my father. The person carrying me bridal style was taking everything I did, they only shushed me or even said in a calm voice "Its okay, your going to be fine" all I could do was cry and freak out at everything that was happening seemed to get worse. Soon enough I saw memories of my father doing horrible things that I can't even explain, it seemed so real that I started to scream out for him to stop. I felt the person starting to sit down as I was still in their lap, myself still flailing to get away. I held my hands against my head slightly pulling my hair trying to not feel any pain that came my way from the memories.

"Stop thinking about it! Calm down! Don't go deeper into your memory! Pay attention to me, nothing is going to happen to you!" The voice seemed worried as I felt something holding me in place, a hug. I felt the warm hug and I realized that I never got hugs, only harmful 'exercise' as father would call them. My breathing started to become calmer as my whimpering was going down, my tears stoped flowing in the process. "That's right (y/n) it's all okay. Calm down." The male wasn't yelling at me, I felt safe in his embrace. My eyes slowly opened from being squeezed shut, my vision blurred because of the crying. The sent of the male slowly started to flow through my nose, their muscles where holding me tight so that I couldn't leap away.

"Katsuki? Is that you?" My shaking hands gripped onto his arms, he seemed to tense up for the contact, "is that really you?" My voice, shaking, cracking, it was fading away with small whispers. Katsuki leaned his head against my neck and smirked into it, "you idiot. You made me think you where never going to end, or even... die." He seemed worried about me for once, for this moment I felt safe and never wanted to leave his side. My tears started to leave my eyes again, but I wasn't crying from being scared- for once I was crying because I was happy. I smiled and whispered back.

"I won't leave you for anyone else,
if you never leave me.

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