????I kill you bitch????

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So when they got home

Jazz dj and trey was in the living room talking

Dj. Aye yo trey can you get us some burgers for the store

Trey. Sure

The jazz went up stairs  and trey snatched dj little ass up

Trey. Don't you try shit or I will kill you bitch
Ass nigga

Dj. Ok

Then trey left and dj went to the gas station and got a Virga pill and put in a a cup of water and gave it to jazz 12min later

Jazz. Come hear Daddy

Then dj came up stairs


Jazz took of him and her clothes and stat riding

Then trey came home and her heard and grabbed a knife and went upstairs and jazz said

Jazz. Baby come join us

And trey she the glass with pink stuff at the bottom  and said
Trey. Dj get the fuck out for I kill you

Then dj left and jazz kelp trying to fuck trey but her made her wash that 😻 first

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