???? You like that
Jazz. Yessss
Later on that dayJazz POV. I feel so bad about what I did to trey but I don't know what come over me I cheated on him 3 times I am a hoe I feel so bad about myself should I tell him or not I can't believe I cheated on him with his brother I a brother hopper hold on what's armon going to tell airi this is so bad😞😞😞🙄😣
Trey POV. So I love my jazzy so much and she is pregnant with my baby I just love her
Trey. Hey bae
Jazz. Trey I have to tell you something
Trey. Yea🤨
Jazz. I so sorry but I cheated with you brother
Trey. Really how would you like it if I fucked someone else and you fucking pregnant with my child also he has a girlfriend oh my god jazz fuck you
Jazz. I am sor
Trey. Save it I am getting a new girlfriend a better one
Jazz. Then I will get an new boyfriend and let him raise your child
Trey. No I am raiseing him or her
Jazz. Never leave me alone
Trey. I sorry jazz
Jazz. No just leave
Then armon walked in
Jazz. What are you doing here
Trey. You just fucked my girlfriend get out
Armon. I know and I am so sorry listen I had to much to drink so did she
Trey. What do you mean by to much to drink
Armon. So you did not tell him
Jazz. No
Trey. Tell me what
Jazz. Take a seat we will tell you
Armon is drinking so is jazz
Drunk armon. Thank you for hunting me up with airi
Drunkjazz.ha you said junking it hooking she said
Drunkarmon picked her up took her to his room and payed her on the bed and stripped her and well you know
Flashback overTrey. Can I get time to think with jazz please
Armon. Sure
My dirty secret
Romancejazz has been in a abused relationship with tray and trey wants to save her