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"why didn't we work?" those three words shattered cyrus' heart. tj kippen was now his ex. that couldn't really sink in for him.
"i don't know tj, maybe because i caught you kissing someone else!" now he filled with anger, his eyes welled with tears.
"cy i'm sorry, i wasn't thinking. I want you. please." cyrus had stay strong, every muscle in his body wanted to reach out and hug tj, tell him they could work through this. but he could not let him get away with this. it wouldn't be fair, tj could do it again.
"i can't trust you tj. i wish i could, i love you more than anything in the world but now you've thrown that away. goodbye. tj's heart ached, he dropped to his knees, tears rolling from the jock's face, his nose stuffy and red. cyrus was now walking away from their beloved swing set, he was crying already but as soon as he turned around he let himself drown in his tears, he kept himself together while talking to tj because he didn't want him to know he'd defeated him.

"he did WHAT?"
"buffy calm down, please. don't make a scene in here it's bad enough as it is." cyrus had avoided everyone for the first week of summer break but now he was ready to tell his best friend what had gone on. he was still crying every day and still dressing in sweats and glasses, he cried so much even his contacts wouldn't stay in.
as much as buffy wanted to hunt down tj for what he did, she knew how important it was to cyrus for her to keep it quiet, so she did. even though it broke her.

but after 5 minutes of sitting in silence eating baby taters, cyrus' worst nightmare happened. tj walked through the door, hand in hand with the same boy he caught his ex boyfriend kissing.

"buffy don't look now but tj is here, with the boy he cheated on me with." the broken hearted brunette boy broke down into even more tears, he now couldn't even see out of his glasses. maybe that wasn't a bad thing.

"that's IT, i'm going over!" cyrus couldn't even respond he was so upset, so he let buffy go and talk to tj.
"what do you think you're doing?!"
"what do you mean?"
"what do i MEAN? are you being serious with me right now?"
"you cheated on my best friend, who is the most amazing human in the world by the way, and is sitting in the booth opposite you having a breakdown because for some reason he cares about your pathetic feelings towards him! this is low tj, even for you. and you!" buffy pointed to the boy tj was with, she didn't know him. he was around tj's height, blue eyed, blonde hair. cyrus wondered if maybe he worked with tj in the gym. god he loved going to that place and seeing him with those kids. but maybe he didn't really go for the kids.
"you should know better than sneaking around with someone who is already in a relationship! i don't know you but I hope you know what you've done, and he will probably do the same to you!"
now cyrus was getting angry, instead of upset. tj needed to see what he was missing.
"you know what tj, you really missed out on something great. i treat you perfectly. i even came out to the school so we could be together openly! and you threw that back in my face. you didn't deserve my love. soon i will find someone who appreciates me for who i am. maybe then you'll understand what you could've had, but it'll be too late.
and with that, cyrus stormed out of the spoon, tears in his eyes but a smile on his lips. he was proud of himself.

well that wasn't emotional at all was it?
this isn't meant to hate on tj or tyrus. i love tj with my whole heart and tyrus too💖

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