Chapter 1

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Max's POV

"Are we ready to go?" I asked my bandmates as we all scrambled in the bus.

"Yup. I'm so excited!!! We get to meet Of mice & Men!!!" Emiley basically screamed. I laughed at her statement and I started to get nervous. What if the other bands don't like us?? I thought as I shoved my stuff on my bunk.

I was bottom left, my older brother Ben was bottom right, Emiley was top left, and finally Max was top right.

I hope I don't run into Sleeping with Sirens during warped. "Why is that? Max asked. "Huh?" oh. I must of said my thoughts aloud.

"Why don't you want to see Sleeping W/ Sirens Max?" max wondered. "You know uh..... Kellin Quinn? well we dated over summer break when we were 13. We were together for 4 entire years. When we were 17, we were at a party and u found him sucking face with some whore" I explained.

"He probably doesn't even remember me to be honest" I frowned. No matter how much I say I hate him, I will always be tangled up in the great Kellin Quinn.

*next day*

I woke up and the bus was stopped. I decided I should get out of the bus and get some fresh air. I stepped out of the bus and looked around. I turned to go to Taco Bell (I get hungry don't judge meh x3)

Once I got there, I ordered my food and went to sit down. I was about to when I saw none other than Kellin Quinn sit in the seat where I was about to sit. I hope he doesn't recognize me.

"We're you going to sit here? I can move if you want me to" he said. God he is so kind I love that about him.

"No. I think I-" I was cut off by Kellin.

"Max?!" was all it took and I ran away crying.


I hope you guys like it!!!!! Vote please c;

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