The Breakup Part 2

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This is going to be a good chapter i can tell hehe hope you enjoy!! :D

Saturday 9am

I was woken up by Breaking Benjamin looked at my phone 4 missed calls and they were all from Dylan i quickly answered the phone and i heard him laugh and say

"Do you ever answer you're phone, Im out side waiting."

I said still half asleep

"Well when I'm asleep i don't and why didn't you just come in and wake me up you know where the spare key is."

"I didnt want to wake you or you're mum."

I laughed and said 

"Let you're self in I'm getting up now."

I put the phone down and quickly ran around getting my clothes together and going into the bath room to get changed and came out in my MTV top and black shorts with my black and white vans my hair was a total mess but i didn't care right now i cam back in my room and saw Dylan sat on my bed.

"Well good morning sir."

He laughed and said

"What the fuck is up with you're hair and good morning miss."

i give him evils and smile

"Its you're fault its like this so don't blame me."

I stcik my tounge out jokingly and he replies

"My fault, How is this my fault beautiful."

I blush bright red turn round and smile and says

"Because if you hadn't have got me up it would be fine."

He laughed and hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek and said

"Its not my fault if i wanted to see my girl for the whole day."

I blush and go bright red giggles 

"Awwwww cutie right let me do my hair and put some make up on then we will go okay hun."

He lets go of me and i start getting ready we talk while I'm doing my hair just like nothing had happened i finally finish getting ready write a note and leave it on the table in front of my mum. Grab my car keys and we headed for the bowling ally. Dylan got out of the car and came round to my side and opened the door for me i just laughed and said 

"Hun im not that sort of girl come on lets go so i can kick you're arse."

He laughs and says

"Bring it and I'm not going easy on you anyway."

I looked shocked and push him jokily 

"Oh thanks nice to know im loved."

He pulls my close and kisses my fore head 

"I'm joking babe."

I blush and hug him as we walk into the bowling ally. We get to the counter and Dylan pays for both of us i see some girls looking at Dylan so i start getting protective of him we go to the ally the guy behind the counter gave us and unfortunately it was next to the girls that was staring at Dylan like seriously don't they know it rude to stare we started playing and a girl came up to Dylan while i was bowling i didn't notice until i turn round and i saw her putting her hands on his chest and leaning on him like he was her boyfriend i finished my go and walked over to him and said 

"Babe you're turn and who is the slag."

I could see he was trying to not laugh as the girl looked pretty offend by what i had said he walked away and said 

"Okay hun you're winning but not for long." 

he passed me and kissed me on my cheek and i blushed and turned to the girl and said

"What do you think you was doing by leaning on him like that and acting like he is you're bf you better go back to you're friends or you might as well have 911 on speed dial because you will need an ambulance if you don't stop flirting with Dylan."

She just laughed and i could feel my arms getting ready to punch her but then i felt some one put thier arms round me and wishper 

"Chill babe I'm youres always will be."

I blush and leave the girl stood there walking away i gave her evils and i heard her say 

"So Dylan nice name I'm Savannah, can i ask why are you going out with a whore like that."

i turned round and i saw that Dylan had moved out of the way i swung for her and punched her straight in the jaw and bent down and said 

"So savannah Im Ashley and you just met my fist do it again and you will meet my foot okay HUN."

I walked away and said 

"Come on babe lets go, I cannot be arsed with whores like her."

i pull him away putting his arm around my neck he looked shocked and said 

"Ash, i cannot believe you did that I'm proud it was a good hit."

I smile and hugged him 

"Well i get protective and anyway i think I'm banned but o.well it was worth it."

I giggle i take the car keys off of him and say 

"Come on we will go back to mine and watch some DVDs is that okay Dylan?"

He looked at me and said 

"Anything as long as I'm with my girl."

I blush and we get into my car and drive to mine. we walk upstairs and start picking DVDs to watch i pick out shrek but then Dylan picks out Paranormal Activity so we obviously watched Paranormal Activity we sat down and didn't even watch the movie just ended up talking about us and every thing that had happened while i was doing that bet with Seth, I looked at my phone and it was 11:00pm and i said to Dylan 

"We better go to sleep because you have to be up in 6 hours to go to the airport."

i looked up and saw he was already asleep i giggled and kissed him and fell asleep on his lap. 

Sunday 5am

I got woken up by Dylan moving i woke up and looked at the time and started getting ready i didn't wear any make up because i knew i was going to cry so i just got dressed and did my hair Dylan was still asleep so at 5:30am i woke him up and told him to get ready because we had to set off in 15mins. He got up and got ready and by 5:45am we was in my car in the way to the airport he was half asleep in the passenger seat as we got to the airport i opened the boot and got his bags out he picked them up off of the floor and carried them in with one arm over my shoulder we got to the gate this is where i had to leave him we stood there for about 15 mins hugging and kissing the last call for his flight was called so he had to go i looked at him trying not to cry and said 

"I love you Dylan and im going to miss you so much."

I started to cry and Dylan had tears in his eyes he said softly 

"I love you too Ashley and ill miss you more than ever but these 6 months will go by fast i promise you."

He bent down and kissed me for what felt like ages but was only a few minutes before he pulled away and said goodbye as soon as he walk through those gates he was gone for 6 Months i got into my car and broke down in tears i hope these 6 months go by fast 

authors note: thanks god this took teh longest to write but im done hope you enjoy it :D

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