Don't Tease Harry Styles

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" Y/N, are you nearly ready?” Harry shouts from downstairs.

“Almost!” I reply, slipping my heels on and doing the finishing touches on my hair. I grab my clutch and open the bedroom door, meeting those bright green eyes I love so much. Harry looks like a god, dressed in a sleek black tux, his wild floppy curls making him look as hot as ever. His eyes widen as they take me in. I’m wearing a black and white off-shoulder gown, my hair tumbling down my back in waves. He licks his lips slightly and I blush, hoping it doesn’t show through my makeup. He sees it of course and smirks devilishly.

“You look beautiful Y/N. So much so that I’m half thinking not to go to this awards ceremony at all. I can think of something else that is much more fun.”

He’s looking at me with lustful eyes, stepping closer to me so we are only a hairs length apart. As he reaches out to tuck a curl of hair behind my ear, I suddenly feel a pull of electricity between us. Before I know it, he grabs me and crashes his lips against mine. I let out a gasp in surprise, giving him access into my mouth, and he pulls me closer by the waist, grazing his teeth against my lower lip, making me moan. Leaving my mouth, he places butterfly kisses down my neck, along my collarbone, sucking and nipping at the spot below my earlobe. I wrap my arms around his neck, dropping my clutch in the process. The sound breaks me out of my Harry induced haze. I push him away and step back to retrieve my clutch while Harry looks at me in confusion. I shrug at him.

“We wouldn’t want to miss the awards ceremony, now would we, Mr Styles?”

Smirking, I push past a speechless Harry and walk down the hall, careful to swivel my hips as I do, just to tease him.

                                        *                *              *       

“Well down for the award Eddie,” I say, smiling at my friend Ed Sheeran, who looks proudly at the golden statue.

“Thanks, Y/N. I still can’t believe it!”

I smile and look across the table at Harry, who hasn’t said a word to me since the incident in the bedroom. He’s laughing and chatting with his friend, Niall. He isn’t taking any notice of me, and I feel guilty. I enjoyed the kissing as much as him, and I still feel turned on from it. I know he does too, because there is a glint in his eyes that’s only there when he is. I decide to catch his attention. Still talking to Ed, I kick off my heels so I’m barefoot. Raising my leg, I press my foot to his crotch. A loud splutter comes from across the table. I look over at him and see that he is staring at me wide-eyed, a wine glass in his hand. Niall looks concerned beside him, lightly tapping his back. I turn away from him, stifling a smirk, and go back to talking with Ed, removing my foot off him.

When the food is served, I wait till he just about to eat till I place my foot back on him and slowly start stroking him with my toe. He squirms in his seat, and shoots me a lustful glare. I smirk when I feel his hard, and raise an eyebrow. He turns away from me and grabs his jacket from the back of his chair. Excusing himself from the table, I snigger when I see he is holding the jacket in front of his crotch.

Waiting a few minutes, I pretend my phone is ringing and excuse myself to take the call. Rushing out of the ceremony room, I look around for Harry. I’m about text him when I’m pulled inside a janitor’s closet. The room is in total darkness until Harry flicks a switch, giving the room a hazy glow. I look at him innocently but I can tell that he is no mood for games. He steps closer to me so I am pressed against the wall. He puts his hands on either side of the wall so I’m trapped. He towers over me, like a dark god.

“You better finish what you started, Y/N,” he growls, making a delicious shiver run through my body. In this moment, I make a note to self,

Teasing Harry Styles is a defo!

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