' I love you' Chap.2

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My knees dugg into the gravel, my eyes squeezed shut as his deafening voice boomed over us. I would be lying if I didn't say I was scared. Scared for I have survived everything and yet I might die by some Bastard! Scared that the people I grew to love might die in front of me! I wanted to jump up and give him a new one, but he has the upper hand... for now.

My mind went blank as heard him say "you are it." I look up only to see him standing in front of abraham. The man who helped me when I felt like i wanted to die. The man who helped me through me and Ricks 'big fight.' The man who I called my super best friend. In a split second my breath got caught in my throat as Abe said his last words "suck my nuts!" A few last blows to the head and you couldn't make out a single feature.

All I wanted to do was cry but I won't give him the satisfaction. Before another thought crossed my mind Daryl sprung up and gave Negan a blow to the face. In a instant the others had Daryl back in his spot.

I look at Negan, my fear creeped back up my throat as I made I contact with him. He gave me a sly smirk walking over to me. At the corner of my eye I could see Rick tense up a shit ton. His bloody bat(Lucile) stained by a friend, was brought up to my chin, lifting my head to meet his dangerous eyes. "Why, hello baby boy. Did you enjoy the show!" He said, more of a statement than a question.

I glared at him. This only made him chuckle pushing Lucile to my throat/chin rougher. Making me slightly hiss as the barbwire scraped me the fuck up.

He removed his bat from me. "Well your little friend just fucked up." He said glancing at Daryl before setting his eyes back on me. I shivered knowing someone will be next. He walked up to Glenn.

I can't.
I can't let this happen!

"Kill me! Kill me instead..." I said, my tears finally escaping.

I heard gasp of suprise even from Negan. "(M/n) please don't" I look over to Rick and I gave him soft smile as my eyes painfully stared at him remembering the fight.

*past thingy*

I was ecstatic today. Today I was going to tell Rick to marry me. I know we can't have a wedding, wedding, but still the rings me and Glenn found when we went out for 'supplys', will now show our love and dedication for eachother and no matter where we are we will always be togther. That is until I got back.

I went inside our home only to hear the sounds, the sounds I feared to hear. As I got closer and closer they only grew louder. The creaking, the moans and groans, and the occasional yes that screamed pleasure.
My tears pricked and burned my eyes and my throat felt like someone was gripping it tightly.

I opened our shared bedroom to see Daryl (I bet I surprise you, huh!), time fell in slow motion the shocked faces seemed to blend together.

Anger overpowered every emotion. I threw the ring at his face along with the wild flowers I found on the side of the road. My anger didn't last long as I felt my face began to twitch to a sad one. Before he could say a word I ran.

I ran all the way to Abe's home. I waited outside the door after I knocked. My hands twisting themselves as I didn't know how to release every screaming emotion.
Abe opened up with a smile only for it to crumble to a sad frown. I jumped on him wrapping my arms and legs around him. I cried harder as he stroked my hair, waiting patiently for me to tell him what happened. After a while my sobbs quieted. "He-he... With Daryl" All he did was bring me back to his chest, stroking my hair again.

I fell asleep in his arms.

*back to present*

I mouthed a 'i love you.'


What will happen next?

What do wish will happen next?

Haven't posted shit on this for a long while so yeah!

MarkusxSimon is forever❤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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