Chapter One

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*Craig's P.O.V.*

"I'm just saying it's really not Craig's fault they broke up," Clyde argued.

I was so sick and tired of listening to this argument.

"Oh so you're going to blame Tweek? It's not his fault he has anxiety?" Token defended.

"Would you two just stop? God, it was just a break up. Stop acting like it's some kind of fucking divorce," I snarled.

Truth is, neither of them knew why we broke up. No one did, and no one will. Tweek and I weren't even around each other anymore. After we broke up, the girls took him in as some kind of gay pet. 

"Jeez, sorry, I didn't realize you were so heartbroken about it," Clyde commented.

"That's it, fuck you guys," I mumbled, getting up and flipping them off before I took a spare seat next to Kyle.

"Oh hey Craig?" Stan awkwardly greeted.

"Being around your old friends remind you too much of Tweek?" Cartman taunted.

"Oh my god," I groaned, getting up abruptly and leaving that table also. 

The truth is Tweek and I broke up because he wanted to go farther than kissing, and I couldn't. I physically couldn't get hard for it, and we both decided to take it to the grave because he was embarrassed. We broke up after that night too. Granted, we argued a lot, but we were fine until that night. Now nothing is fine, and the entire school is trying to get to the root of this. 

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