Today I came to your house
When I arrived I heard a bang
I ran into the house scared
And saw nothing was stolen
Or even misplaced
Everything was just like it had been
Then I walked into your room
And noticed something on the ground
So I flipped the lights on to see it
When I turned them on
And looked back at the ground
I couldn't believe what I saw
That bang I heard was a gun
And what laid on the ground
Was the one thing I hoped it wasn't
It was you
Not moving at all
Not a single breath made
You lay there
Completely lifeless
And dead
Then I noticed the window
It was shattered on the ground
Someone who was not welcome
Had broke into your house
Not a single thing stolen
They had one thing on their mind
And that was an intenction to kill
Why this person did this
And who it was
Is still unknown
It has been 5 years since that day
That I found you there
Completely gone and shot to the death
5 years
And I haven't gotten over it
You were everything to me
You were my world
That day I found you
Was the day
That I was going to tell you
How I really felt about you