Snide Comment

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Evelyn's POV

We all sit in the lounge room the next day with Bella hooked up to IV. Trying to get more nutrients into her. Jacob sat on the couch with her while the rest of us are spotted around the room. I stand beside Rosalie while Carlisle stands beside Esme. Jasper, Emmet and Alice sat on the other couch. Edward sits on a stool in front of Bella and I notice her pulls her sleeves down.

"Are you cold?" Edward and I ask. She nods her head.

"I got it" Jacob says moving closer to her. As he has a higher body temperature then us, he can be a personal heater. Seth and Leah were outside guarding the house. "Don't do that" he tells Bella.

"What?" Bella asks him confused.

"Smile like I'm your favorite person in the world" Jacob states.

"You're on of them" Bella says and send me a smile. "It feels complete with you here Jake" she states. She then looks like she's going to be sick again and Edward holds a bucket out to her. But she doesn't vomit just looks extremely pale as she lays back down.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system" Esme states.

"If I could only see the fetus..." Alice starts.

"The baby" Rose and I correct her.

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants" Alice finishes. Everyone goes into deep thought, including Jacob and I. I was starting remember the baby is part vampire, maybe it doesn't want human food.

"Think you both might be right. Evy and Jacob just had an idea" Edward announces.

"It wasn't an idea, it was a snide comment" Jacob corrects.

"What were you thinking?" Bella asks him.

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into" Jacob replies.

"I was just remembering he's part vampire and may not want human food" I state.

"He's thirsty" Bella says.

"I know the feeling" Emmet states.

"If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood" Edward states.

"I agree" I say.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella" Carlisle states and heads over to the fridge.

"Walk with me" Alice tells Jasper and leads him out of the room. Rosalie nods to Emmet and he to leaves the room. Carlisle starts to pour the contents of a blood bag into a glass.

"Wait, you're going to make her drink that?" Jacob asks looking disgusted.

"It's the fastest way to test the theory" Carlisle tells him.

"Only if you're comfortable with it" I say to Bella.

"I'll try anything" she tells us.

"Just hold on" Edward and I say. We walk over to Carlisle and I find a foam cup with a lid. I give it to Edward who pours the blood into it while I got a straw. Once we finished preparing it we walked over to Bella.

"I think, I'm going to be sick" Jacob says looking pale.

"This should make it easier to take" I tell Bella as Edward hands her the cup. She takes a zip and we wait.

"It tastes good" she says and continues to drink the blood. Carlisle sits on the arm rest beside her. Checking her pulse.

"Your pulse is already getting stronger" he announces and we all smile. Bella soon finishes the blood and we give her a piece of toast. She managed to keep it down. So we continued to give her blood and small amounts of food. There was finally hope for both her and the baby.

I went home to see Charlie, where he told me Bella had called. He seemed happier. I then went to the hospital before returning with more blood bags for Bella. That I nicked from the hospital blood fridge. I only took two from the back so as not to be caught. When I head towards the kitchen I hear Bella and Edward talking happily. I look in to see them on the couch Edward with a hand on he stomach. As they smiled happily.

I walk away smiling, I'm glad Edward is finally supporting Bella. I enter the kitchen to see Jacob, Esme and Carlisle talking. "Carlisle, I got two more bags" I say handing them to him.

"So that's the last of it?" Jacob asks as Carlisle places the bags beside the remaining one in the fridge.

"Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood. But thanks to Evelyn we should be fine in that regard" Carlisle states and I smile.

"And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for her. We need to go tonight" Esme states.

"Carlisle, you're the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered" Jacob tells him.

"Emmet will come with us" Esme states.

"That won't be enough" I tell her.

"We have no choice, Evelyn. If there's anything we can do to save her, we have to try" Carlisle tells me.

"I know that" I assure him.

"You'd risk your lives for her?" Jacob asks shocked.

"Of course we would. Bella's a part of our family now" Esme tells him.

"Yeah. I can see that. This really is a family. As strong as the one I was born into. I know what I have to do" he tells us. Before leaving the house and I return to Bella.

"So what brought on Edward's change of heart?" I ask her.

"He could hear our baby's thoughts" she tells me.

"That's amazing" I say smiling as I place a hand on her stomach. Alice and Rosalie enter the room. "Let's talk baby names" I tell them and they smile happily. The four of us start to suggest names and give opinions on the others suggestions.


Picture above of Edward and Bella smiling on the couch together. Video above of Bella's pulse increasing after Jake's snide comment.

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