Angry Newborn Mother

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Evelyn's POV

"Look I just want to see my niece" I say while holding Renesmee. "Besides Alice saw nothing bad happening to me" I remind them. Right now Bella is out on her first hunt after being asleep for two days.

"That's right Bella will be to focused on Renesmee" Alice states. Just then they all freeze looking outside. "She's here, go Jacob" Alice says and he leaves the room. While I hand Renesmee to Rosalie and go to stand beside Emmet, Alice & Jasper. Just be on the safe side.

Jacob soon returns and goes over to Rosalie to see Renesmee. Bella then enters the room with Edward as Rosalie faces the door. Alice is right all of Bella's focus is on Renesmee. "Welcome to the family" Esme says smiling at her.

"You look amazing Izzy" I say and she shots me a small smile before looking back at her daughter.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you" Carlisle tells her. Rose hands over Renesmee to Bella and Renesmee tenderly touches Bella's face. I smile, I always loved seeing her use her gift. Especially when she uses it on me.

"What was that?" Bella asks surprised.

"She showed you the first memory she has of you" Edward tells her.

"Showed me how?" Bella asks confused.

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted" Edward says full of pride.

"I've only been out two days" Bella says noticing how old Renesmee looks.

"Her growth is unprecedented" Carlisle states.

"Alight, that's enough experimenting for one day" Jacob announces.

"Jacob, she's doing great" I tell him firmly.

"Yeah, let's not push it though" he says going to take Renesmee from Bella. Who backs away from him glaring. Demanding what his problem is.

"Oh, do tell her, Jacob" Rosalie says smirking.

"This should be good" Emmet says.

"Ten bucks she throws him out through the door" I tell him.

"Sure, but I bet it'll be out the window" he states.

"Hold on a second, Bella" Edward says removing Renesmee from her arms.

"Look, it's a wolf thing" Jacob tells Bella.

"What's a wolf thing?" she demands. Meanwhile Rosalie is taking Renesmee from Edward.

" know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with, and it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise" he assures her.

"Take Renesmee and my aunt out of the room" Bella instructs. Rosalie starts to lead me from the room, while Edward goes to place a calming hand on her shoulder. "Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't wanna hurt you" I hear Bella tell him.

We arrive in Rosalie's and Emmet's room. I go to the window to see Bella throw Jacob out of the house by the door. Emmet owes me ten bucks. "You imprinted on my daughter?!" Bella demands furious.

"It wasn't my choice" I hear Jacob tell her.

"She's a baby!" Bella exclaims.

"It's not like that! You think Edward would let me live if it was?" Jacob asks her.

"I'm still debating it" I hear Edward say from down below. I notice him and the others on the porch watching.

"I've held her once. One time, Jacob! And already you think that you have some moronic wolfie claim on her?! She's mine!" Bella shouts shoving Jacob. Just then Leah and Seth appear in their wolf forms.

"Rosalie watch Renesmee" I say running out of the room. Something told me someone is about to get hurt. If no one else will stop this, I will.

"Nessie?! You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!" I hear Bella scream as I make it outside. I notice her going to attack Jacob, but Seth steps in to defend him. ButBella pushed him aside easily and he hits the tree before falling to the ground in pain.

"Seth!" I shout running over to him along Leah and Jacob.

"Seth, are you okay?" Jacob asks as Leah helps Seth stand while he whimpers in pain.

"Seth, I'm sorry" Bella says.

"He'll be alright" Jacob announces as Leah glares at Bella snarling. "Bella, you know me, better than anyone. All I want is for Ness..." he starts to say. But stopped when he saw Bella get angry at the nickname. "Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason" he states.

"Well this was lovely, but I have to get to work. Give Renesmee a hug goodbye from me" I announce smiling. "Bella take it easy" I say hoping on my scooter putting on my helmet. Before driving back to Charlie's to change clothes, then drove to the clinic. I punch in and look at my schedule for the day. I smile seeing I'm in the maternity ward giving newborn babies health checks before they are released from the clinic.


Picture above of Bella, Edward and Renesmee. Video above of Bella meeting Renesmee and then going angry newborn mother on Jacob.

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