Chapter 6

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"JJ WAKE UP, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Blair screamed as she entered my room.

"Blair, it's 10.30 am, what's your problem?" I groan, waking up.

"I'm nervous, okay? Don't judge" She said as she left to her room.

Since I'm already awake, I got up and went to the kitchen to have some breakfast. There were some pancakes left from yesterday, so I serve some on a plate, put some syrup on them and go back upstairs to bed. As I lay down, I turn on the tv to see if there's anything good to watch while I eat the pancakes.

"Blair! At what time is the concert?" I ask out loud.


"Omg, he invited us because he knows us. It's obvious he'll invite us to hang out after the concert, is it really necessary going to the M&G?" I ask again.


Well, she has a point. I'm not the type to brag about things, but if you get invited to someone's concert by the star himself, why not?

I stay in bed for 2 more hours, being unable to get up cause I just ate to much. Finally, my stomach stops hurting so I go to the bathroom to take a shower and refresh. I'm one of those people who only takes cold showers cause they help you wake up and they are good for your health, I read somewhere. After I'm done, I dress up lightly and put on Shawn's shirt, you know, the one he told me to wear for the concert.

"JJ are you ready?" Blair asks, standing outside my door.

"Yeah, are you though?" I ask back, since she looks a nervous mess.

"Yes, I am, okay? Stop mocking me!"

"Calm down, I'm just kidding! Now, can we go? It's a long drive to the stadium and we need to avoid traffic" I said.

"You're right, I'll just ask mom if she's taking us or if I'm driving" She says as she goes downstairs to our parents' room.

Apparently, they overslept so Blair's the designated driver. I hope we make it out alive. We say our goodbyes and leave the house.

"Do you have everything we need?" She asks as we get in the car.

"Let me check my bag one last time, cause the previous 19 times weren't enough" I say sarcastically.

Backstage passes: Check. Wallet: Check. Snacks and water: Check. Phones: Check. Wireless charger: Check.

"Yup, it's all here" I tell her "Now, calm down before you drive please"

"I just can't believe we're actually going to Shawn's concert. And he invited us! It's all so unreal"

"Isn't it?"

The road was long but at least we had a good time. Me and Blair get along really well actually, minus the typical sibling fights, we have a great relationship. We talk a lot and we know we can rely on each other.

"Oh my god! We're finally here!" Blair squeals as we arrive to the stadium. "This thing is huge! I can't believe Shawn's playing here."

"Just be sure to park near the entrance so we don't have to walk that much" I say, being the lazy piece of work that I am, but as we're driving across the parking lot, we notice there's a special parking space to backstage passes, right next to the entrance. "He thought about everything, didn't he?"

We park and Blair locks the car. As we make our way to the entrance, we notice this huge row of girls waiting to go inside. It's only 1.30 pm and there's already people here, they must really like Shawn. We make our way to the back and wait for time to pass.

15 minutes go by and suddenly I get a text from Shawn, saying:

"Hey JJ, I just passed outside and saw you guys waiting in line. Just wanted you to know that with your passes, you can already go in, so just go to the guard on the entrance of the stadium, show him your passes and he'll take you to where I am now. See you!"

I show the text to Blair and we start walking towards the entrance.

"I can't believe you have Shawn's phone, and that you text each other!"

As we're walking, we pass some girls waiting in line.

"Hey you, assholes, wait in line, don't cut in!" She shouts, and then gets followed by the other girls in line, who start booing.

"Ignore them, they're just jealous cause we have backstage passes and they have just regular ones" Blair says, winking at the girl that shouted at us. I guess she took it personal cause seconds later, she starts walking in our direction, or Blairs' direction to be precise.

"What did you just say?" She begins, getting closer. I'm just worried, and not for Blair, for the other girl.

"Don't fucking touch me, I'll cut a bitch" Blair says with the most serious face I've ever seen, and with that, the girl returns to her place in line and starts crying. "Okay, let's go" She says, smiling at me. Wow, she's crazy but she's my sister, what am I gonna do.

We finally get to the entrance, were there's a guard watching over the gates. We show him our passes and she calls someone over walkie-talkie. Another guard shows up and signals us to follow him. We look at each other and we follow him.

"I feel like a celebrity, what is this?" Blair says.

"I could get used to this"

We walk for about 5 minutes before we arrive to a huge lobby, filled with sofas, beanbags, a chocolate fountain and tables with food.

"Wow, is this the celebrity treatment?" Blair asks the guard, but he just grunts and leaves. "Rude much".

"I'm gonna text mom we're here, you do what you do" I tell Blair and text my mom, which she responds with the classic 'K. kisses'.

"So, is anyone going to come here or what?" Blair says, a bit annoyed, when the doors open and this girl walks in.

"Hey guys, what's up? I've heard a lot about you!" She says as she comes our way. "You're JJ, right? And you must be Blair!" I shake her and smile, but Blair just stands up and freezes.

"Blair, are you okay?" I ask her, approaching her. "Is that Camila Cabello?" I whisper to her ear.

"That, JJ, is indeed, Camila Cabello" She says and then she faints, falling in the beanbag.

"Oh my god, is she okay?" Camila asks, while I use my backstage pass as a fan.

"Yeah, she just really likes your music" I tell her. "We actually listened to Havana like 5 times on our way here"

"That's awesome" She laughs. "She looks nice, I hope she gets better"

"Who's getting better?" Asks Shawn, entering the lobby.

"Hey Shawnie! I missed you!" Says Camila, running towards him and hugging him.

"Hey! I missed you too!" He says, smiling from ear to ear. "I see you already met JJ and Blair"

"Well, kind of" I say, pointing at Blair, passed out on the beanbag. "I'm surprised she didn't faint when she met you"

"Actually, she did" Shawn said, and I start laughing so hard I end up on the floor.

"I'm glad you're all okay! I gotta go now to the M&G but I'll be back soon!" Shawn says, walking out.

"Hey, do you mind if I join you?" Asks Camila. "We can surprise some fans, it'll be so cool!"

"Yeah! Good idea, let's go! And JJ, Peter's coming soon to take both of you to the soundcheck, so you better get Blair up before that! See you in a bit" He winked and left the lobby with Camila.

Since I know Blair will wake up in about 10 more minutes, I just make my way to the food table and pick up some fruits to put them in the chocolate fountain for me and Blair when she wakes up. 

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